No one ever accused me of being original...

A Little too Raph
You are Raphael. You are quick to anger and
can't stand it when made fun of. You take no
crap from anyone!!! You are sometime rebellious
and moodswings. All in All, you're pretty cool
What Ninja Turtle Are You?!
brought to you by Quizilla
Yes, ladies and gentlemen. And Lynnsey. If I were a Ninja Turtle (and I lament the fact that I'm not)... I'd be the one with ATTITUDE!! Not the sensai's pet, not the brainiac, not the male bimbo (would that be 'mimbo'??) I'm the bloody AWESOME one. Take that... uh, no one. Damn, I wish I had someone who's face I could rub this in. It would make the moment SO much sweeter.
As long as I'm here, I may as well make a very special announcement. My little friend Tannis has recently celebrated her birthday, though the party is yet to come. Hehe... can't wait to get her to the bar! Yes, you heard me Carla. I'm going to corrupt your sister.
But, at any rate... HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my little fluff-bunny (buahaha). I might do something cooler on this blog for you if I ever find out how to do anything more than type and change the colors. And paste stuff from quizzes. Well, toodles all!!

A Little too Raph
You are Raphael. You are quick to anger and
can't stand it when made fun of. You take no
crap from anyone!!! You are sometime rebellious
and moodswings. All in All, you're pretty cool
What Ninja Turtle Are You?!
brought to you by Quizilla
Yes, ladies and gentlemen. And Lynnsey. If I were a Ninja Turtle (and I lament the fact that I'm not)... I'd be the one with ATTITUDE!! Not the sensai's pet, not the brainiac, not the male bimbo (would that be 'mimbo'??) I'm the bloody AWESOME one. Take that... uh, no one. Damn, I wish I had someone who's face I could rub this in. It would make the moment SO much sweeter.
As long as I'm here, I may as well make a very special announcement. My little friend Tannis has recently celebrated her birthday, though the party is yet to come. Hehe... can't wait to get her to the bar! Yes, you heard me Carla. I'm going to corrupt your sister.
But, at any rate... HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my little fluff-bunny (buahaha). I might do something cooler on this blog for you if I ever find out how to do anything more than type and change the colors. And paste stuff from quizzes. Well, toodles all!!
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