Well, long time, no post. And for this, I have a perfecly logical explaniation. I have SEVERAL, actually. Here they are.
1) Internet stopped working for awhile. Damn internet.
2) Eventually got one computer hooked up to internet, then that computer died. Damn computer.
3) Laziness. Damn laziness.
4) I've been under the influence of drugs and writhing in pain the past few days. Damn extraction of impacted wisdom teeth.
5) My computer went all screwy and I had to press any key to resume operations. After several hours of searching, I discovered that there IS no 'any' key on my keyboard. IT'S FAULTY!! So, you know, I had to pack up the keyboard, take it back and all that. And of course the computer people tried to screw me over by insisting nothing was wrong and feeding me all this crap about 'There's not actually an 'any' key on the keyboard, it just means hit 'any key you want' in order to continue.' Yeah, right. Well, they had no idea who they were dealing with... Boducky is WAY to smart to fall for that.
** By the way, for those who don't know me well, that whole 'reason number five' was a load of crap. I KNOW there's no 'any' key. Hey, I needed to fit in some insanity SOMEHOW.
So, why did I decide to finally update my blog today? I dunno. Today seemed like a good day. And I'm happy to announce that, for the first time since Wednesday, I am wearing actual CLOTHES!! Uh... not that I've been naked for the past three days. Let me start again. *gets out eraser, erases that whole last paragraphe, realises that erasers don't work on computer screens, is too lazy to push 'delete' button*
So, going merrily along... what I MEANT to say was that I have changed OUT OF my pyjamas and INTO actual clothes for the first time since Wednesday. There, that sounds better, doesn't it.
In other news, I'd just like to say 'WELCOME BACK!!' to my peeps Carla and Tannis. Poor Tannis isn't feeling well (not sure about Carla's status... hope she's doing okay) so here's a great big cyber glomp* to Tannis, because I want you to get well soon. And here's a glomp** for Carla, 'cause you're so glompable luv. Or rather, Sow. It had to be said.
Also, my buddy Lynnsey's going to a wedding or something tomorrow. (No, not her own. I haven't proposed yet. What can I say, I have committment issues. Plus, I'm still waiting for James Marsters to wake up, realise he's hopelessly in love with me, come riding up to my doorstep on a white stallion and take me away from this awful AWFUL place.) To Lynnsey, I say 'Have fun at the wedding. Drink a few beers for me. Then drive home." Kidding. Listen, kiddies, this is BODUCKY saying "Don't drink and drive!!" *Pauses meaningfully, looks into the camera, smiles and winks* Huh... camera? What camera?!? *turns, looks over her shoulder, sees someone pointing a video camera at her*
No, NO!! How many times have I told you... you CAN'T make a porn video if I'm not naked. What?? NO, I'm not taking my clothes off! I'm busy here... I'm writing my blog post. Besides, my cheeks are all swollen and puffy... I'd look like Jabba the Hutt. What?? NO, people really DON'T want to see Jabba the Hutt porn. WHAT?!?! They DO?!?!?!?! Uh...... leave now, your scaring me and any poor soul who may happen to read this post. *anonymous video camera person leaves* Whew. Well, that's all for today... I'll just go now. Did I mention I'm on drugs???
** Glomp = a hug with homocidial tendencies. If done properly, the glomper can render the glompee unconscious or, on rare occasions, even KILL them. For more info, see www.thehistoryglomping-relateddeaths.thissitedoesn'texist.com
* Cyber glomp = it's cyber, so the thought is there, but no one gets hurt. Cyber glomps: all the glompy goodness with none of the glompy pain. If you care, cyber. (glomp, that is)
And I'm spent.
1) Internet stopped working for awhile. Damn internet.
2) Eventually got one computer hooked up to internet, then that computer died. Damn computer.
3) Laziness. Damn laziness.
4) I've been under the influence of drugs and writhing in pain the past few days. Damn extraction of impacted wisdom teeth.
5) My computer went all screwy and I had to press any key to resume operations. After several hours of searching, I discovered that there IS no 'any' key on my keyboard. IT'S FAULTY!! So, you know, I had to pack up the keyboard, take it back and all that. And of course the computer people tried to screw me over by insisting nothing was wrong and feeding me all this crap about 'There's not actually an 'any' key on the keyboard, it just means hit 'any key you want' in order to continue.' Yeah, right. Well, they had no idea who they were dealing with... Boducky is WAY to smart to fall for that.
** By the way, for those who don't know me well, that whole 'reason number five' was a load of crap. I KNOW there's no 'any' key. Hey, I needed to fit in some insanity SOMEHOW.
So, why did I decide to finally update my blog today? I dunno. Today seemed like a good day. And I'm happy to announce that, for the first time since Wednesday, I am wearing actual CLOTHES!! Uh... not that I've been naked for the past three days. Let me start again. *gets out eraser, erases that whole last paragraphe, realises that erasers don't work on computer screens, is too lazy to push 'delete' button*
So, going merrily along... what I MEANT to say was that I have changed OUT OF my pyjamas and INTO actual clothes for the first time since Wednesday. There, that sounds better, doesn't it.
In other news, I'd just like to say 'WELCOME BACK!!' to my peeps Carla and Tannis. Poor Tannis isn't feeling well (not sure about Carla's status... hope she's doing okay) so here's a great big cyber glomp* to Tannis, because I want you to get well soon. And here's a glomp** for Carla, 'cause you're so glompable luv. Or rather, Sow. It had to be said.
Also, my buddy Lynnsey's going to a wedding or something tomorrow. (No, not her own. I haven't proposed yet. What can I say, I have committment issues. Plus, I'm still waiting for James Marsters to wake up, realise he's hopelessly in love with me, come riding up to my doorstep on a white stallion and take me away from this awful AWFUL place.) To Lynnsey, I say 'Have fun at the wedding. Drink a few beers for me. Then drive home." Kidding. Listen, kiddies, this is BODUCKY saying "Don't drink and drive!!" *Pauses meaningfully, looks into the camera, smiles and winks* Huh... camera? What camera?!? *turns, looks over her shoulder, sees someone pointing a video camera at her*
No, NO!! How many times have I told you... you CAN'T make a porn video if I'm not naked. What?? NO, I'm not taking my clothes off! I'm busy here... I'm writing my blog post. Besides, my cheeks are all swollen and puffy... I'd look like Jabba the Hutt. What?? NO, people really DON'T want to see Jabba the Hutt porn. WHAT?!?! They DO?!?!?!?! Uh...... leave now, your scaring me and any poor soul who may happen to read this post. *anonymous video camera person leaves* Whew. Well, that's all for today... I'll just go now. Did I mention I'm on drugs???
** Glomp = a hug with homocidial tendencies. If done properly, the glomper can render the glompee unconscious or, on rare occasions, even KILL them. For more info, see www.thehistoryglomping-relateddeaths.thissitedoesn'texist.com
* Cyber glomp = it's cyber, so the thought is there, but no one gets hurt. Cyber glomps: all the glompy goodness with none of the glompy pain. If you care, cyber. (glomp, that is)
And I'm spent.
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