

Current mood: Partialy happy 'cause Carla used something I wrote in her blog, partialy scared because I SWEAR the computer laughed at me when I logged into Tannis_Tachi. No, I'm serious!! And the toaster's been threatening to kill me. And the tea kettel's eating all my cookies.
Currently watching: Nothing, but I was watching Angel earlier tonight. For the Spike factor. Was highly disappointed 'cause he was hardly in the episode... in more ways than one. Also, he still had his clothes on. Grr.
Currently listening to: Myself typing. That's right.

Well, as I said before: "EEEK!! the computer's laughing at me!!" I swear it does every time I log into Tannis_Tachi (aka mini-elarielf's site). Either the computer's possessed or Tannis did something to make her site all laughy just to spite me.

By the way, with regards to my last post and that presentation I was all stressed about... you're all prolly wondering how that went. Okay, you're not, but I'll tell you anyways.

Wednesday afternoon (8th of october): Teacher starts teaching (who'da thunk it). I am sorta not listening because I'm STRESSED. I figure he's going to save the presentations for last. Class ends at 4:00 (well, closer to 3:45). I look at my watch, time is 3:25. I'm like "hm... he's gonna start the presentations soon. Or maybe he forgot and we'll do them next week. NO!! Don't think that! The second you think that, he'll make you get up and present your thing." Then, it's 3:30, and I'm thinking "Maybe the class will go a bit late to accomadate the presentations." Then I go back to stressing. Finally, 3:45 rolls along, the teacher says (in french) "You know, we're going to have to start those oral presentations soon." I, of course, just stare at him. I'd been stressing for several days and not getting much sleep because I was worried about this thing. And then the teacher totally forgot about it. So, he decided we should present next week (15th).

So, next week comes along, he starts the class off by saying "Well, I've corrected your papers. This is what I didn't like about them." The next hour was spent with... this is the french version of a bibliography. This is the american version. This is how you do a citation. La la la....

Then he goes over the plan of our oral presentations... the day that a couple of us are supposed to give our presentations. The last part of the conclusion is supposed to be our personal opinion of the play we're presenting. I ask one innocent question, expecting a yes or no answer. I said "Are we allowed to use 'I' in the personal opinion part, or are we supposed to try and keep it objective?" I was totally expecting a quick answer and then on to the presentations we go.

"Yes, you can use 'I'. You see, when writing a dissertation..." half hour later "... well, I guess RĂ©al and Theresa will have to present their presentations on Monday." Gah!! Ah well.

Wow. This is a long post. I type to much. Actually, I had a totally other reason for posting, but I think I'll put it in a different post. It's sorta an Epilogue to my "Day in the life of Trigun" story. In which Spike gets killed... with sweet, sweeeet lovin'. >;) Tee hee.
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