

Oh... my... god...

I STILL haven't finished my 'Trip to Mall of America' post. GAH!! I am SO behind. 'Specially since I have to fit a trip to Hawaii in there somewhere. *sigh* So much to do, so much procrastination. For those of you who don't know me (which is no one since only people I know visit this blog, I think...) I have a love/hate relationship with procrastination. The bitch won't leave me alone. My New Year's resolution was 'No more procrastination. And find James Marsters.' Pfft. I may as well have made a resolution that I'd be more likely to keep, such as 'No more BREATHING!!'

Well, Mall of America. God, do I still remember?? Went shopping (duh), and Lynn had a crap load of bags. Seriously. This was how it went.

Lynnsey: Oooh.... useless crap. Must buy!!!
Me & Carla: Meh.

Yeah. So we shopped and saw Lego place a bit. Didn't do much in Camp Snoopy 'cause we were tired from shopping. The mall had an underwater adventure (think fish tank tunnel thing in Club Regent Casino, only way bigger), and I really wanted to go. So did Lynn. Carla just wanted to sit in a bookstore and read manga. Nerd. So we left Carla in the bookstore and went on the underwater adventure thingie. Was cool. Lotsa fishies. YAY FISHIES!! But they had some really WEIRD-ASS Minnesota lake fish, like a thing that looked like an alligator with fins and another one that had a weird duck-bill thing going on. Strange.

There was also a tank with cooler fish (or rather 'aquatic life'), such as sharks and sting rays. HUGE sting rays. And the sharks were kinda freaky... all of a sudden you look above you and there's this shark looming over your head, dozens of teeth peeking out of it's mouth. And it wasn't even opening it's mouth or anything. Call me crazy, but I think it's a bad thing when a fish has so many teeth that they can't even all fit in it's mouth. Eep.

At the end of the tunnel there was a light. Go towards the light!! Kidding. There was some more stuff to see, like a tank with a HUGE lobster (mmm... lobster), one with clown fish (NEMO!!) and another with Jellyfish (he shall be mine, and I shall call him Squishy, and he shall be my Squishy). And then they had, of all things, a petting zoo... well, tank. Yeah. With sharks and sting-rays in it. Now... generally, petting sharks and sting-rays is not my idea of family fun. 'Hey, kids, let's all play with this shark. Oh... he bit little Billy's hand off... isn't that cute. Aw... buck up, Billy, that's why you've got two of them.' On the plus side, they were small sharks and sting-rays, and I had been reassured that the rays had their stingers removed and the sharks couldn't bite anyone (yeah, and politicians can't be stupid. Pfft). Ah well, what the heck. So, I put my hand in the water and let the things swim by. Then I actually got up the nerve to touch one. It went like this...

Me: *Touches ray* Eeek... you're slimey!!!!
Lynn: *does the same thing*
Me: See above.
Me: *Touches ray* Hey, you actually feel kinda cool. I kinda like this.

To this day, I still want a pet sting-ray. He can live in the bath tub. And I now have a new appreciation for the movie Finding Nemo. I see Mr.Ray and I'm all like... 'Oh... I want to take you home as a pet.' Mom says I can have a sting ray... when I move out. No fun.

Anyways, moving on. After we were all spent, we went out to catch the shuttle back to our hotel (which, by the way, we almost didn't find out that we had to sign up for it. Stupid hotel people). I was all worried that we'd missed it, because I didn't figure that it would come ALMOST AN HOUR LATE. Grr. We kept looking hopefully at shuttle-buses 'Are you our bus? Are you our bus?' Plus, it was snowing, but not too cold. Then we went to the hotel room, did unimportent, yet fun, crap. We left the next day, and it was a long drive home. But fun. Good music, good friends. Goodness all around. And that was Minneapolis. In November. Next time (God knows when that will be)... HAWAII!! WHEE!! Everyone hates me when I tell them this.

And I'm spent!! ;)
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