So... some of you are wondering why I'm not updating my blog very much. I'll sum it up in two words. "No life." Not so much in the sense that I have no time to post... I seem to have an abundance of that. Especially since I've taken up this policy of not doing homework. But I really, honestly have NOTHING to write about. Because I suck. Yeah.
I could just rant about the usual things... the horrors of trying to do my chem lab and racing around last moment to get the lab report together. That's my favorite thing to do on Tuesday afternoons at 12:55 pm... play "Where's my lab partner?" and try to track down the missing pieces of a lab report that's due at 1:00 pm. Fun, ne? (Damn you Carla).
What else is new??? Still bummed about kitty having cancer. Poor kitty. Plus, she's going seniel. Poor kitty. Sigh. For those of you who have never met my kitty, she is a beautiful medium haired torte. No, not the thing you eat. The type of cat thing. Black fur with beautiful orange markings on her. She's also affectionate. Very affectionate. EXTREMELY affectionate. Almost to a fault. It gets kinda annoying at times. Like when you're sitting at the kitchen table and don't want her on your lap, so she decides to jump onto your shoulders. Like when you're half-awake at night and she comes into the room and looks pointedly at your blanket until you lift it up so she can snuggle underneath. Or sleep on your legs. Like how she'll lick you to death if you give her half a chance. Like how she's standing on my right wrist right at this very moment. While I'm trying to type. No joke. She really is. Silly cat.
And yet I love her a million times more than other cats that just ignore you and walk around with their noses in the air. Don't get me wrong... I love all cats and always have. My Abbey is just better than your cat. So there. *Abbey sticks her butt in your face, just for good measure. Then she licks me.*
What else? Theater class was cancelled today. I didn't find this out until 15 minutes after our class should have started. I'd been at the school from 8:30 am to 7 pm, this damned notice saying that class was cancelled had been sitting on the bulletin board all day, and I waited at school for over three hours for nothing. Just because I didn't check the stupid board. Dangit. Well, it's better than being one of the people who came out to school simply to go to this class. BUAH!! Sucks to be them.
And yeah. Nothing else interesting. Besides I'm having Elvis Presley's baby. That is all.
There Carla... are you happy now? Are you?? ARE YOU???
Oh... and Happy belated 24th Birthday, Melanie. Yes, so many late birthdays this year. Evil me. And I can't even recall if I mentioned Lynnsey's b-day. It was Jan. 25 or 26th or something like that. Fun was had. By someone, I assume. Kidding. Was fun.
I could just rant about the usual things... the horrors of trying to do my chem lab and racing around last moment to get the lab report together. That's my favorite thing to do on Tuesday afternoons at 12:55 pm... play "Where's my lab partner?" and try to track down the missing pieces of a lab report that's due at 1:00 pm. Fun, ne? (Damn you Carla).
What else is new??? Still bummed about kitty having cancer. Poor kitty. Plus, she's going seniel. Poor kitty. Sigh. For those of you who have never met my kitty, she is a beautiful medium haired torte. No, not the thing you eat. The type of cat thing. Black fur with beautiful orange markings on her. She's also affectionate. Very affectionate. EXTREMELY affectionate. Almost to a fault. It gets kinda annoying at times. Like when you're sitting at the kitchen table and don't want her on your lap, so she decides to jump onto your shoulders. Like when you're half-awake at night and she comes into the room and looks pointedly at your blanket until you lift it up so she can snuggle underneath. Or sleep on your legs. Like how she'll lick you to death if you give her half a chance. Like how she's standing on my right wrist right at this very moment. While I'm trying to type. No joke. She really is. Silly cat.
And yet I love her a million times more than other cats that just ignore you and walk around with their noses in the air. Don't get me wrong... I love all cats and always have. My Abbey is just better than your cat. So there. *Abbey sticks her butt in your face, just for good measure. Then she licks me.*
What else? Theater class was cancelled today. I didn't find this out until 15 minutes after our class should have started. I'd been at the school from 8:30 am to 7 pm, this damned notice saying that class was cancelled had been sitting on the bulletin board all day, and I waited at school for over three hours for nothing. Just because I didn't check the stupid board. Dangit. Well, it's better than being one of the people who came out to school simply to go to this class. BUAH!! Sucks to be them.
And yeah. Nothing else interesting. Besides I'm having Elvis Presley's baby. That is all.
There Carla... are you happy now? Are you?? ARE YOU???
Oh... and Happy belated 24th Birthday, Melanie. Yes, so many late birthdays this year. Evil me. And I can't even recall if I mentioned Lynnsey's b-day. It was Jan. 25 or 26th or something like that. Fun was had. By someone, I assume. Kidding. Was fun.
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