

Well, you're prolly all waiting for me to update. I hadn't realised that it's been so long since my last post. Life'll do that to you.

I was hoping to continue my Harry Potter adventure, where I smack more people upside the head. I currently have writer's block. Sucks to be me. I kinda know the general idea of what I wanna do, but I can't get it written down. Yeah, that happens to me alot... like for my blog contest submission. Man... that was fun to try and write. People wanted to kill me for not getting it done. So... anyways....

What is new in the life of me? Went to see LotR with my daddy on Thursday... daddy is funny. And by funny, I mean a typical man. He phones me up Wed night and says that he might not make it into town tomorrow because there's supposed to be a storm. He then says he'll phone me after my class (around 9:45 ish) to let me know if he's coming into town or not. So thursday after logic I'm waiting around in the Club de Sciences (I gave him the number so he can phone me there) and was worrying about whether or not daddy would come to pick me up. I finally got ahold of him... he didn't even bother phoning to let me know what was going on. Silly man. It all turned out okay, though.

Friday... out for sushi with my sister. Sushi = yummy!!! *g* Then I had to try and prepare for my french written test the next day... you know, the one you have to pass to get into edumacation. Yeah. Don't know how I did on that yet.

Saturday... write test... go home... nap.

Sunday: my drama teacher decided that he wanted to get everyone together on Sunday to go over the play. He'd asked me earlier in the week if I could be there for noon on Sunday... I told him that I really didn't know if I could manage getting up before 1pm on a Sunday. He laughed at me as if I was joking. I never joke about sleeping in!!! So, I got my butt outta bed at 9 am on Sunday, got to the school for 11, realised that I was a whole hour early. DAMMIT!! Was not impressed. Finished re-reading HP OotP on Sunday. Got my mom hooked on Harry Potter books. YAY ME!!

Monday: Stupid school... stupid alarm clock. I decided to take my TEO (teste d'expression orale) today... the other test I have to take to get into edumacation. Students need to get 16/30 to pass, 26/30 to be exempt and never have to take it again... I got 27.5/30. GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ME!!

And now I must go... for to drive Tannis... wild with PASSION!! Or home... whichever floats your boat. BYEZ!!
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