

I don't know whether I should feel like screaming, crying or just give in, shrug and roll with the punches. For some strange reason, I'm not as stressed out over this matter as I thought I would be. Let me explain.

Recently, I have committed screw-up that qualifies as the pièce de résistance (hm, that's probably not even the right term, ah hell) of all of the chem-lab-report-writing screw-ups that have been committed all year. That little note book that I carry all my lab notes in - including masses weighed, volumes used etc. - has been lost. By me. I've looked in my house, my room, my car, all the labs I've been in during the past week... I've even been so desperate as to ask the scary teachers if they've seen said note book. All to no avail. The book might as well have been abducted by aliens, for all I know. And, since my lab partner really isn't in the habit of writing her own lab notes, and rarely asks to photocopy mine, I have no way of obtaining said notes. Yeah.

Now, normally I'd be totally panicking and stressing my head off. Don't get me wrong... I do still have a mild sense of panic... very, very mild. But most of my brain is just thinking "Meh", and not even putting much effort into that thought. It's the last chem lab... ever, since I highly doubt I'll be doing my masters in chem, if at all. And even though I've abhored this very thought ever since I've started doing any type of science lab, I've decided that I might as well just cave in to temptation and peer presure and just fudge the results. That's right... screw around with values until a result that just makes sense. So there.

Hm... I orignally thought this post would be a rant about how stupid I am for losing my notes and how much I wish my partner had a copy of the notes or something. I'm actually a bit more mellow than I'd expected to be. Am I finally learning how to chill out and not stress? That would be nice... but I doubt it. I think I'm just too tired with theater pratices (cometomyplaynextweek) and my application to the faculty of education and other such things. No room for stress. It's a sorta nice feeling. Well... back to my chem lab.
Current mood: Oddly serene and kinda hungry.
Currently watching: The computer screen, as per usual.
Currently reading: Still on The Casebook of Sherlock Holmes. Still cursing Carla's name.
Current quote:
M. Diop (my chem teacher): *vaguely hopeful voice* Is anyone here planning on taking their masters?
Girl in my class: *seemingly oblivious to the subtext* I am... but not in chemistry.
The rest of the class: *in their heads* HARSH!!
Obvious man (whom I just made up on the spot): *sagely* If a teacher asks you if you're continuing your studies, it's usually a good idea to not blurt out "Yes, but not in your subject!!"
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