

I'm sick and I'm twisted,
I'm broke and you can't fix it!!
(Billy talent song).

You may ask, 'what brought this up?' Well, you didn't, but I'll share anyways just to spite you.

I was walking through Sears today during my lunch break. They have baby carriages right by the main doors, and as I happened to glance into the carriage, I saw they had baby maniquens. Pretty neat, you'd say. Uh... these were HEADLESS baby maniquens. Not so cute. Why headless... I really don't know. I personally think that the company would have just done better to stick a lable on the carriage stating "Must remove baby's head in ordre to fit it into this carriage".

Now, normal people would think this is strange and leave it at that. I'm not normal. I'm sick and twisted. Hence the song quote.
Seeing that display got me thinking, 'It would be funny to see the look on people's faces if they peer into a carriage, expecting to see a cute baby, when instead they see a headless baby-shaped lump of plastic in a jumper'. I was also thinking a bit of dried ketchup or something around the neck and in the carriage would complete the montage quite nicely. I had a brief image of me walking down the street with this carriage, little old ladies looking inside to marvel over the little baby, shriek in horror and clutch their chests at the sight. Let me repeat: I'm sick and twisted. And evil.

Also, let me explain: I would never, NEVER do anything like this. Not even on a dare. I don't do crazy and disturbing stuff like this. But, all the same, there is this little voice inside my head that insists 'Wouldn't it be funny if...?' And, since I'm sick and twisted, I can't help but snicker at the possibilities.

That little voice is also giving me mental images of me handing the headless maniquen to a big dog, having the dog run across a park and me chasing after it screaming 'My baby!! My baby!!' Have I mentioned I'm sick and twisted?? Now, please allow me a moment to hang my head in shame.

Dang... can't do it without smirking at the mental images. Curses.

On another note: Kenshin. I've actually sat my butt down and watched some more. I just finished episode 59. And let me say: what the huh??

I can understand the Aoshi redemption thing, and the redemption of that monk dude that Sano fought. They were basicly good people who just went a bit nuts. I can also understand why blind turtle-shell man died. I'm actually kinda glad Kenshin wasn't there to stop Sahito and go on with all this "repent and redeem" talk going on. But SUJIRO...???

Allow me to explain for my two friends who have not watched Kenshin. Sujiro is basicly a kid; a psychotic, homocidal, kill-ya-with-a-smile kid. Who, by the way, everyone says never shows emotions. Just smiles. Creepy, creepy kid. And yet, if it weren't for the killing thing, he'd be very, very cute. He kinda still is, in my eyes, and for that, I worry about myself.

Sujiro is also a poster child for abused-children-who-snap-and-go-all-homocidal. I say a poster child, because Carla and Lynnsey can name half a dozen others who would be better suited for THE poster child title. I thought this kid had to die, that he was too far gone. Noppers. Kenshin gets all 'redeem thyself' on him. To which Sujiro replies, 'You're a harder taskmaster than Shishio'. I highly agree. If you do bad, Shishio just kills you. He doesn't say 'Bad you, no donut, go out and be nice and redeem yourself'. pfft.

On the subject of Shishio... WTF??? He's a BITER?? I didn't see that coming, but I should have, and I really wasn't surprised when it came. Shishio bites people. Then he blows them up. Now, here's what I don't understand, and it's something you'll see in lots of movies and shows. I call it the 'Let's try the next-best thing', syndrome.

You see, when bad guys want someone killed, they have a tendancy to send out their best assassin/warrior/whatever first. Then, when that person is defeated or killed, they're all like 'Huh, our best person didn't get the job done. Well, let's send the next-best person just in case THEY can do it.' To these people I say, your best person is BETTER (or, more good, if you will) than your other people. Compared to this best person, the other people SUCK. So, if you're nemisis has bested your best person, what the heck makes you think the non-best people stand a chance in hell???

If you MUST kill someone, send in the weaker peoples first to try and kill them. If they suceed, then yay for them, give 'em a raise and dance on your nemisisesesees grave. If not, then you have a back-up plan... YOUR BEST PERSON. Use the weak ones to tire the nemisis out, then your best person stands a better chance of killing them. Silly, silly evil people.

In the case of Kenshin, Shishio had it right. He used the weaker peoples to try and stop Kenshin & Co. or, at the very least, injure them and tire them out. But the good guys are all like... 'Huh, Kenshin didn't kill Shishio. Well, let's get Sahito after him. Uh... nope, didn't work. Sano, wanna give it a shot. Huh, that didn't work either. Uh... we're out of people now.' Luckily for them, Aoshi came after Sano and actually did some good. But still, the good guys were kinda stupid.

And let me say, that whole huge, heroic, good-guy comeback scene... seriously, it looked like Anime meets Night Of The Living Dead. And on that note... 'night!!

Mom (driving): I have to pass this guy.
Me: Go Mom, use that horsepower!! (pause) Actually, we're in my car, so it's more like half-dead-donkey power.
Mom: You mean a jackass?
Then I smacked her upside the head.
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