

Well... been a bit since my last post. How've ya been, world? And, yeah, craziness over now.
So... I just did a French Oral test for work... kinda stressful since I had to improve by a level in order to remain competitive in the work place. When I first took the test, I got a B. Now, phone agents need a C level. C=better than B. I'm happy to report that I got my C. GO TEAM ME!!!
Anyways, I just heard about the new Harry Potter title, "Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince". And, by 'just heard about it', I mean, 'I saw it awhile ago on Chrissy's Blog and didn't feel like posting about it until today'. Yeah, that pretty much sums it up.
As my friends know, I have very reluctantly become a Harry Potter fan. I once refused to read the books, watch the movie, rolled my eyes whenever anyone mentioned how good the books are. Then Carla and Lynnsey made me watch the second movie. I liked it. Then Lynnsey made me read a fanfic (Draco Malfoy, the Amazing Bouncing... Rat(?)). I liked the fic. Then Lynnsey bought me the first two books for Christmas. I vowed never to read them... then I got bored one day and thought... 'What harm could it do?'
Famous last words.
Now I am anxiously awaiting the release date of the 6th book, and enjoy speculating with my friends. 'Who is the Half-Blood Prince??' We would ask each other. And of couse, we all have interesting ideas. JK says it's not Harry or Voldemort.
Lynnsey: Maybe it's Hagrid.
Me: ... Hagrid??
Lynnsey: Well... he's a half-blood. He's half giant.
Super-Her: Good point, Lynnsey. Take that, Theresa!!!
Me: Uh.. I guess.
Personally, I think it would be cool if it was Snape. I don't think the books have ever come out and said that he's pure-blood. Though, I know, it's silly to even entertain the thought that he's not.
But it'd be neat.
Harry: We're screwed. It'd be great if the Half-Blood Prince showed up right about now to save us.
Snape: Yo!
Harry: Ugh... not you... we need the Half-Blood Prince.
Snape: Uh... yeah, that's me. Turn's out that I'm not a pure-blood wizard after all. My mom kinda messed around with our Muggle milkman... so... TA DAAAAA!
Harry: Uh... you're gonna save us??
Snape: Well, now that I've got some fame and power here, I kinda feel less bitter towards you. So, how's it going, Boy-who-lived-but-isn't-a-Half-Blood-Prince?
Harry: ....
Heh, silly me. I also had another idea... What if the Half-Blood Prince is HERMIONIE?!?!? Yes, there were two problems with this. One: she's not a man, and therefore cannot be a prince. Secondly, and more importantly, both her parents are Muggles. Yeah, the second point really posed a problem. The first point, however, didn't bother me at all.
Harry: We're screwed. It'd be great if the Half-Blood Prince showed up right about now to save us.
Hermionie: Yo!
Harry: Uh... you can't be the Half-Blood Prince... for obvious reasons.
Hermionie: Because I'm a pure Muggle?? Not even. Turns out my mom kinda messed around with our milkman, who happened to be a wizard... so... TA DAAAAA!
Harry: But... you can't be a prince!!
Hermionie: Uh... actually... there's something I need to tell you guys. I've got foam in my bra, and I have a penis! *g*
Ron: So that one time... when we... when I... but, I thought you just LIKED it that way... I didn't even consider that you didn't have... that you weren't... *Ron goes pale*
Harry: ...
Yeah... I know...
I'm sick and, I'm twisted,
I'm broke and you can't fix it.

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