

My third post this month. And, actually, my third post in about a week. I don't know what day it is... not working does that to you. Time is like a big blur... an eternal weekend. I like that a lot. Well, this is my 90th post, so... uh, yay me?

But that wasn't my reason for posting. My sister got back from her road trip to B.C. today. Sounds like she had a lot of fun. She spent quite a bit of time talking about the people she met and places she went to out there. Seeing as this girl can talk a mile a minute, that's a lot of talking getting done there. The only thing I feel sorry for her about is the fact that her friend that she went to visit in B.C. was an absolute bitch. I've met this girl... she seemed really nice but, as I learnt later, she is really manipulative. I mean, she borrowed my sister's truck, got a ticket and forgot to pay it. Luckily, my sissy got the money from her. She's also notorious for using people to buy her drinks at bars and driving her around when she wants to go out and get drunk. Call me crazy, but I wouldn't take that for long... I'd like to think. My poor sister gets out west and this girl (Jen) i s wanting to get driven around in B.C., is telling my sister not to talk to certain people just because they don't like her (Jen, not my sister), and she's talking to my sister and twisting around what other people say to make them look bad. Plus, she was trash-talking about my sis to complete strangers. I kinda hate this girl.

Aside from that, Mel had fun. It would have been better if she'd had a better friend out there. But she had friends that she'd met along the way and stuff... Jen aside, my sis had a blast. I'm happy for her... she'd been working to hard lately.

On another note, Tannis has returned from cadet camp in Alberta (I think it was in Alberta, at any rate). She got back yesterday. I haven't seen her or talked to her yet, mostly because she loves other people more than me. (Kidding, Tannis-sama, kidding). Well, welcome back snookums. Wuv ya!

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