

Today's rant:

Who the hell would bring a baby into a library?? I could understand perhaps if said person had decided to be cheap and, instead of buying an MP3 player, taught a baby to sing and strapped it on his back (see Chris' quote in the Quotebook). If the baby could sing decently, I wouldn't have minded. Heck, I would have requested some tunes. It's like a jukebox that doesn't use quarters.

But, alas, this baby was not singing. It was crying. A lot. I can understand babies crying in stores or in parks or even in church. It's not like I'm trying to concentrate in church... I just zone out and ignore all that religious crap... so I don't really care if babies cry there. The only people they're really bothering are the people who are still awake: The priest, maybe half of the choir and the 95 year old grannies who are busy saying their rosaries and are half deaf anyways.

But bringing a baby into a LIBRARY?? Uh... people trying to work here. We really don't want to hear some kid whining and screaming. Thankfully, the discman blocks out all. Ah... Guns 'n Roses, Creed, Nirvana, Metallica... how I cherish you.

Second subject: Stress. Hate it. Want it to die. That is all.
Currently listening to: The sound of 20 pairs of hands on 20 keyboards.
Current mood: Pissy... can't you tell.
Currently reading: Programme d'études for Chimie 200 et 300, Mathématiques pré-calcule 40s and Le monde contemporain 300.
Current quote: (Crossing Jordan)
Nigle: Basically, I settle for whatever I can get.
Lily: Starting to sound like a good idea.
Nigle: Well, it's different for me than it is for you. I have a biological imperative. Millions of little biological imperatives. *makes squiggly swimming movements with his hand*
Lily: *runs away in disgust*
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