

Today's topic:
Hmmm... no one can say I'm punctual
Apparently, I made my 100th post on November the 19th. I wasn't really keeping track of post numbers, and blogger was being silly. Therefore, I missed it. Let's see... what was my 100th post about?
Well, the post where I commented on Rin-chan's 'Two Universes Collide' shouldn't be in that spot... Blogger was being silly and futur-dated that post. I really posted it on the 5th. Silly Blogger.
So, my 100th post was the one on November 19th where I was bitching about Blogger hating me. And remembering old friends. And talking about my plans to expand my closet. And making another comment about Rin-Chan's second installition of Two Universes Collide.
Not bad for my 100th post. :D
On another note, I finished my Projet d'intégration for Enseignement et technologie. This project is worth 40% of my final mark. My project sucks. If you want, you can check it out here. (I kinda don't know how adding links in Blogger works, so I hope I did this right.) Now all I have to do is study for an exam tomorrow, finish 2 journals for tomorrow, do an part of my portfolio for friday, do my Métholodogie project for the 6th and do a psych paper for the 9th. MERRY CHRISTMAS my ass. :(
And huggles to all my buds.
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