

Quick post before I go to bed...
I just got Naruto episodes 26-50. Just watched 44. Then I had a thought...

Am I the only one that sees paralelles between Naruto and Harry Potter?? I mean, they both have no parents, have markings on their face that everyone but they seem to know the significance of. They're not the greatest students, but they pull through when they have to. They both have a kindly old person who really believes in them (Dumbledore & Hokage), they both at some point have mentors who push them (Lupin and Kakashi). The only difference is, Harry's not all like... "Yay, look at me, I rock! I'm gonna be the Minister for Magic some day!" Harry's more like.. "Huh. I just so happen to rock. This is cool. Let's be stupid and not brag about it so that we can all call people who hate me irrational. Oh, yes, and let's get really pissy when I turn 15."

Hm... I wonder if Lord Voldemort's a biter? Or does he just have an oral fixation? And why does it sound vaguely pornagraphic when people say 'oral fixation'?

Oh, yeah. And speaking of... this is for George's (Dead Like Me) mom.

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