

Today's topic: A truce!!
Sorta. I have a funny feeling that my cat's trying to kill me. The fact that he tries tripping me with his fuzzy little body while I'm walking and that he tries to maul my hands and feet is one clue. The fact that he sneaks into my room at night and sleeps right on my nose, trying to smother me, is another. I also caught him putting Cyanide into my drink list night. Enough is enough.
So I proposed a truce. If he tried to stop killing me, I'd try to stop killing him. "Cat," I proposed, "let us end this sensless war. I know we don't like sharing the house with each other, but we must learn for the greater good of mankind and catkind." Luckily for me, he's too stupid to ask how us not killing each other would benefit either mankind or catkind.
So I poured myself a glass of milk and poured him a little bowl of milk. I made a toast and we drank to the tentitive peace that we had established.
At long last, the war is over. Now, when we try to kill each other, it's all fun and games!! :D
Uh... kitty, get away from me with that knife!!
Current mood: Cold
Currently reading: Master and Commander
Currently watching: The computer screen
Currently listening to: My cat chew on a string of Christmas lights
Theresa...you came and got comments from blogger.
Here's hoping that you meet a cute lumberjack or logger.
Or you meet James Marsters who gives you a snogger.
And I'm running out of rhymes for blogger.

Hee hee. Snogger.

Congrats T-San!
aw... thanks Rin! *kiss*
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