

Sorry with the not posting lately.
At any rate, in recent news... Lynnsey had a birthday party on Friday. Yay Lynnsey!! She turned 23 on the 25th of January. Poor hun was sick on her birthday (borthday? The hell?) so we didn't get to party until a couple of days ago. Unfortunately, Rin's idea of partying is dragging us to awful movies. Like, REALLY awful movies. The last one was Boogeyman. You see, when we were discussing birthday plans for Rin, I made the mistake of telling her "It's your birthday, hun. Do whatever you like." Yes, I take partial blame. I plea not guilty due to temporary insanity.
And the really scary thing about this ordeal is that Lynn APOLOGISED AHEAD OF TIME! She KNEW this would be a god awful film. And it was. Lynn, you know how we sort of owed you for dragging you to Phantom (The girl didn't like Phantom!! What's WRONG with my friends??) Well, we no longer owe you. In fact, we're burning you in effigy. *burn*
One thing that was kind of funny/annoying about the movie was the fact that it was 14a, so there were a bunch of teenagers there. It was funny to hear the girls scream whenever something slightly scary happened. I, on the other hand, closed my eyes. I could really predict when something freaky was going to happen. Hell, sometimes I even called EXACTLY what was going to happen. Plus, it was fun to sit beside Tannis (my schmoo-schmoo) and make fun of the movie... whenever I wasn't covering my eyes, that is. :D
After the movie, we went to Perkins. We really enjoyed ourselves and traumatised all the waiters there. Poor Mike will never be the same. :D We also got Rin some nifty presents... I was the only one who wrapped mine in something other than a plastic bag. It was great.
And now I should go for to study and stuff.
Current mood: Happy, for I am getting sushi. :D
Currently watching: Computer screen.
Currently listening to: Nothing... but the Sawyer song is stuck in my head. Curse you Rin. *shakes fist*
Currently reading: Susan Kay's Phantom and school stuff.
Current Quote: I got nothing.

Happy Valentine's Day!
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