

Today's Topic #1: Happy Valentine's Day.
Belated Valentine's Day. I didn't do anything for anyone, for I think it is a useless holiday. Plus, saving de money for Europe... I have become a cheap bitch. So there.
#2: I don't know if Nuns can fly, but Mums sure can't.
My mother is living proof. You think she would have learned that lesson after falling down stairs a year ago and screwing up her shoulder- which, by the way, the doctor still hasn't figured out what's wrong. Yesterday, we were painting and I was taking a bit of a break talking to Chrissy on the phone. All of a sudden, CRASH! BANG! BOOM! I rush into the kitchen and find my mother lying on the floor, an overturned piano bench lying beside her. It took her awhile to get up again. Silly mother, you'd think she'd learn. By the way, she is fine. And by that, I mean, her body is not anymore screwed up than it was before this ordeal.
#3: Saw Hitch. Cute movie. Chrissy is my new best friend.
#4: They once were lost, but now are found.
Yes, my movies that I posted about a bit ago have been found. Carla had them. And by that, I mean, she stole them. Sorta. Just on a whim, I phoned her and asked if they were potentially lying under her couch downstairs from the last time I went to her place and brought along my big bag 'o movies. Lo and behold... they actually were there. Not only is Carla a liar and evil... she is also a theif. Don't trust her, people. Don't trust her.
#5: My latest movie buying binge.
Last Sunday, I went out with Jen for sushi and movies. We just rented/bought movies from Blockbuster instead of going to see one. It would have been cheaper to go and see them in theaters. The first movie I bought was Monty Python and the Holy Grail. The first time I watched it was the day that Abbey died. I felt like watching a stupid, cheesey, Linnsey-esque movie. It made me happy and amused me greatly. So I decided to buy it. Next movie, Schindler's List. I saw it and remembered it was a really good movie. Watched part of it and remembered why it depressed the ever living hell out of me. Oh, why did I buy that movie? The depression! The depression! Final movie: Timeline. It has Gerard Butler who is not a vampire/Judas, evil-yet-sexy traitor, psychotic-homocidal-yet-VERY-*drool*-sexy opera ghost. He is a scholar. He is scottish. He is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO cute! Lynnsey will not hate his character. However, she will have another reason to hate movie-Lupin's actor. Not saying any more... I'm making her watch it tomorrow. BUAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
#6: No cookies for Chris.
I know I owe him for partially fixing my computer, and I really did make cookies for him... I swear I was planning on giving them to him on Sunday when I went to Lynnsey's house. Sadly, those plans fell through. And then, before I could give them to him, my cat walked on the cookies. Silly cat. I can't give those cookies away now. Le pout.
And that is all for now. Catch you on the flip side.
Currently reading: stuff and fanfic
Currently watching: The comp screen
Currently listening to: Me type. Though I was just listening to Cells
Current mood: beh
Current quote: (The Incredibles... cute flick)
Dash (crying, while stuck in the middle of an ocean after their plane was shot down):
We're dead! We're dead! We survived but we're dead!

Huh... I guess you kinda had to be there and hear the young child's anguish in order to get the true humor of that comment. WHAT!?! Stop looking at me like I'm the devil incarnate!
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