

Today's topic: Confusion
Every time I broaden my horizens and try to get more cultural stuff jammed into my skull, I get more and more confused.
Take learning french, for example. I have been systematically confusing myself on a linguistic level for over 10 years of my life now. That's almost half my fricken life. Mixing up french and english grammar and syntax, being entrenched in either french or english mode when I have to convers and/or write in the other language and having people think I'm slow and stupid when really I have to put up with the double-task of thinking AND translating.
In grade 11, I took a spanish class. BAAAD idea. Suddenly, I had three languages bouncing around in my skull. It took me weeks to remember that 'tambien' is spanish, and I should use 'aussi' in french. That and spanish verbs in my little skull.
The latest chapter in this saga is that of Japenese anime and, more specifically, manga. Now, don't get me wrong, I love anime. Though I still curse Carla and Lynnsey for getting me hooked, as it takes up much time, energy and computer space (I have a feeling that's the reason my compy crashed). I've also taken to reading Manga translated into english, specifically Trigun, Gravitation and Naruto. However, the page format is kept in Japanese style, where one must read from right to left in order for the story to make sense. I've been reading a lot of Naruto manga recently, so I've gotten rather used to this. Too used to this.
I was reading the comics one Saturday, I believe it was For Better or For Worse. For the life of me, I couldn't understand why the story didn't make ANY sense. Well, sure, I sort of understood it, but everything seemed kinda out of order, and I couldn't explain it. Why would the kid answer a question before the mother even asked it? I didn't get it... at first.
English comics = left to right reading. I was going right to left, as if I was reading japanese manga. I smacked myself for my stupidity and started reading properly. No big deal.
Today, I was reading MegaTokyo and wondering why things didn't make sense. Japanese stuff = right to left, né? Not if it's written by americans and follows american comic orientation. *sigh*
That's it... no more cultural stuffs for me. Except Europe. I refuse to give that up. Deal.
Current mood: Tired and headachey
Currently reading: Various articles on the acquisition of language.
Currently listening to: People at school type
Currently watching: The computer screen. I'm gonna miss Crossing Jordan. *pout*
Current quote:
Girl at school: God, buying a house is too complicated. (looks at me) I'm just going to move in with you.
Me: Well, I'm gonna live with my mom.
Girl: So, I'll live with your mom too.
M. Kenny (my teaching mentor): ... (rolls eyes in exasperation).

Shut up. It amuses me. SHUT UP ALREADY!! *g*
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