

Today's Topic: Well, it seemed like a good idea at the time...
Yeah... and so did bobbing for pirahanas with a pork chop tied around my neck. *sigh* *hangs head in shame*
I had organised a moderate-sized spa party to help people unwind after exams and what-not. Since I've been done for almost a week, I'm pretty much un-winded.
For this party, though, I decided that I wanted to cook. BAAAAAAAAAAAD idea. For I suck in the kitchen. Really, really suck.
Thankfully, the quiche turned out fine, so if all else fails, we shall dine on quiche. And cake. Let them eat cake! *gets decapitated* Heh... don't I wish. Sadly, I shall have to explain the why and how of that later.
I also decided to make noodle salade. I did it once before, it worked, I figured I could do it again.
Yeah... that's pretty much like saying, "Well, if aliens blew up the pyramides, I'm sure we could always remake them. I mean, I'm sure the blueprints are chisled in some ancient-burecrat's office somewhere." *sigh again*
I only realised after making most of the salade that there wouldn't be enough due to lack of noodles. And of course, I don't have time to go out and get any. Thankfully, Chrissy is going to save my ass there.
Also, the task of making hard-boiled eggs seems to be too challenging for me. Put eggs in water, boil until hard. I know, it sounds easy. But after I shelled them and everything (which, also, was a bitch) I realised that I actually had soft boiled eggs. To which I say... GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!! There is still some egg in the salad, but I'm not going to explain how I somewhat salvaged the situation. You'd all laugh at me. My friends still will, for they are evil.
Sigh... next time, I'm just going to fucking order pizza.
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