

Today's topic: The thing I wanted to post yesterday

If I hadn't been too busy and lazy to post yesterday, the topic would have been something like this...

Yesterday's intended topic: And yet, why don't I feel regret? *tear*

You see, I had recently ranted about how I would regret going to the gym on Tuesday. I was certain that I'd wake up today with sore muscles and very much pain. But, much to my amazement... I felt no pain whatsoever yesterday!! Well, okay, it's not like I was incapable of feeling the sensation of pain yesterday. In fact, I felt it very much when my kitty attacked my hands and feet. It hurt. What I mean to say is, my stint in the gym had not a single sore-muscley repercussion the next day. w00t!! Perhaps the gym is better than getting drunk and having sex. Wait... that can't be. Forget I said that. But I was feeling good yesterday (aside from the fact that I couldn't sleep and made cookies at 2am).

Today's other topic: REGRET!! REGRET!! OWWWWWWWWWW!!!

I decided that since I wasn't in pain yesterday, I should take up on my sister's offer to go to the gym again today. I figured, heck, I feel good now, I want to get in shape. It's a good idea.

NO! it was a BAD idea. Bad bad bad. I'm in pain now.I stretched and everything and didn't push myself too hard and still, PAID! I haven't even gone to sleep yet... so I know I'll be in agony tomorrow.

I changed my mind. Drinking and sex are definitely better than exercise. In fact... drinking sounds like a marvy idea right about now. But that would just fuck up all my hard work from exercising.

On another note... my Mommy phoned today. YAY!! But she sounds (and is) really sick. BOO!! It sounds like she ahd a good time, but she's ready to come home now. And now, I can steal all her travelling tips and use them for when I go. HEHEHEHEH!! Plus, she's bringing each of the children back some euros (just the coins... no 100 euro bill for me :( ). That way, I can get used to seeing the new money. YAY.

And I am sleepy now. But I have made mucho cookies. I'd have about 6 dozen if my sister hadn't grabbed some. BOO!! Oh well. :P
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