I realise that, as of yet, I have not given any explination for my previous, profanity-filled post. Yay alliteration!!
I had prepared a huge post. Mainly quizes and responses to the results, true, but still time-consuming. Then it went bye-bye. I was v. upset and did not feel like redoing it. Deal.
Have I anything to report? I should, to be sure. But I've been lazy as of late, and have not had Internet for about a week. Stupid Shaw. grrr
kinda sorta started stuff for school two weeks ago, can't remember the date. August 29th, perhaps? A monday sometime. Let's leave it at that. Spent a few days with the teacher planning the year, organising her classroom, putting stuff up on walls and so-forth. My teacher is cute... she's so short. Like, Chrissy short. She said the only way she'd take a student-teacher is if they were tall. I'm not, but at least I can reach the top cabinet on my tippy-toes. That made her happy.
Tuesday the 7th was a day of professional meeting, welcome back, teachers. Here are new faces. Here are old rules and regulations, here are some new twists on said rules, here are concerns and answers and many things you need to know. Yay! I was expecting to be overwhelmed... and was surprised to discover that I was not. This worries me. It means that something's wrong... I missed something. All this information and no overwhelming-eyness. So not good. I'm sure the information hasn't hit me yet. But it will, oh it will. Hit me like Mike Tyson in a boxing ring with someone who slept with his woman. Then it will bite my ear off, and talk about going into the porn film industry. On the wrong side of the camera. Where Mike Tyson is concerned, the side where people will eventually see you is the wrong side. As far as my list o' men is concerned... let me get some better lighting, plug in my camera and get some REALLY long film. "Now, boys, we've rehersed this long and hard. Loooong and haaaaaaard. And frankly, I'm exhausted from all this 'rehersing'. Not that I mind..."
I digress. A lot. How did talking about praticum turn into a fantasy about a porn-film orgy? Those poor kids are in trouble.
Speaking of the kids... they're cute. All of them. There isn't a one that isn't cute. Well, maybe one. Yeah... one kind of isn't. What's wrong with him? You can already see that some of them are going to give you grey hairs. 'Tis to be expected. No biggie there. Cute kids. So gullible.
I started a little aquarium in the classroom, which I haven't seen since Friday. *hopes fish are okay* That'll be tough for me, leaving the poor fish for 3 days in a row. Well, the kids will feed them on Mondays. I just hope the poor little kiddies didn't walk in today to see all five fish floating front-up. (More alliteration! I should teach an English class!)
I was so mean to the kids. The aquarium was empty on Wednesday and Thursday. The kids were looking in and saying "Madame, are we going to get any fish? When will we have fish?" I (and the teacher in the classroom) would tell them "What do you mean? Don't you see them swimming around?" Or "We have fish. They're invisible fish." Or, my personal favorite "This year, children, we shall have imaginary fish. Go ahead, imagine away." Hee. Then when I finally brought fish on Friday, I walked into the classroom to see them gathered around the aquarium and talking about the fish. I looked at them like they'd gone nuts and said "What are talking about? Mme. Malo and I didn't bring any fish. The tank's empty. I think you children are imagining fish."
Hee. So evil. I dropped my evil game eventually and admitted that, yes, there were fish in the tank. Cute kids.
I have other stories to tell, but am sick of typing now. I shall tell them later. Go away, now. You're bothering me. :P
Current mood: Hungry and thirsty and evilly amused at the memories of tormenting with fish.
Currently listening to: People type and chat in the comp room.
Currently watching: The computer screen. The colours are all wonky... it annoys me.
Currently reading: H2G2 Mostly Harmless. Finally, on the final book.
Current quote: don't know where from
Just imagine how stoked you'd be, driving home from work and knowing that there's a ninja monkey in your house just waiting to attack you. I'd get into the house and call, "Monkey, I know you're there! Let's finish this"
Current evil idea: Disciplinary measure in the classroom - threaten to kill a hostage if the kids are bad. No, no, no... I'm not going to start killing the students. What's wrong with you people. If the kids are bad, I'm going to scoop a fish out of the aquarium and say "Kids, behave or Mr. Fins dies in about 30 seconds. You don't want to have his death on your hands, do you? See, look, he's flopping around, he's dying... LINE UP FOR RECESS NOW!!"
Current burning question: My God, what's wrong with me and how much therapy do I need to fix it?
I had prepared a huge post. Mainly quizes and responses to the results, true, but still time-consuming. Then it went bye-bye. I was v. upset and did not feel like redoing it. Deal.
Have I anything to report? I should, to be sure. But I've been lazy as of late, and have not had Internet for about a week. Stupid Shaw. grrr
kinda sorta started stuff for school two weeks ago, can't remember the date. August 29th, perhaps? A monday sometime. Let's leave it at that. Spent a few days with the teacher planning the year, organising her classroom, putting stuff up on walls and so-forth. My teacher is cute... she's so short. Like, Chrissy short. She said the only way she'd take a student-teacher is if they were tall. I'm not, but at least I can reach the top cabinet on my tippy-toes. That made her happy.
Tuesday the 7th was a day of professional meeting, welcome back, teachers. Here are new faces. Here are old rules and regulations, here are some new twists on said rules, here are concerns and answers and many things you need to know. Yay! I was expecting to be overwhelmed... and was surprised to discover that I was not. This worries me. It means that something's wrong... I missed something. All this information and no overwhelming-eyness. So not good. I'm sure the information hasn't hit me yet. But it will, oh it will. Hit me like Mike Tyson in a boxing ring with someone who slept with his woman. Then it will bite my ear off, and talk about going into the porn film industry. On the wrong side of the camera. Where Mike Tyson is concerned, the side where people will eventually see you is the wrong side. As far as my list o' men is concerned... let me get some better lighting, plug in my camera and get some REALLY long film. "Now, boys, we've rehersed this long and hard. Loooong and haaaaaaard. And frankly, I'm exhausted from all this 'rehersing'. Not that I mind..."
I digress. A lot. How did talking about praticum turn into a fantasy about a porn-film orgy? Those poor kids are in trouble.
Speaking of the kids... they're cute. All of them. There isn't a one that isn't cute. Well, maybe one. Yeah... one kind of isn't. What's wrong with him? You can already see that some of them are going to give you grey hairs. 'Tis to be expected. No biggie there. Cute kids. So gullible.
I started a little aquarium in the classroom, which I haven't seen since Friday. *hopes fish are okay* That'll be tough for me, leaving the poor fish for 3 days in a row. Well, the kids will feed them on Mondays. I just hope the poor little kiddies didn't walk in today to see all five fish floating front-up. (More alliteration! I should teach an English class!)
I was so mean to the kids. The aquarium was empty on Wednesday and Thursday. The kids were looking in and saying "Madame, are we going to get any fish? When will we have fish?" I (and the teacher in the classroom) would tell them "What do you mean? Don't you see them swimming around?" Or "We have fish. They're invisible fish." Or, my personal favorite "This year, children, we shall have imaginary fish. Go ahead, imagine away." Hee. Then when I finally brought fish on Friday, I walked into the classroom to see them gathered around the aquarium and talking about the fish. I looked at them like they'd gone nuts and said "What are talking about? Mme. Malo and I didn't bring any fish. The tank's empty. I think you children are imagining fish."
Hee. So evil. I dropped my evil game eventually and admitted that, yes, there were fish in the tank. Cute kids.
I have other stories to tell, but am sick of typing now. I shall tell them later. Go away, now. You're bothering me. :P
Current mood: Hungry and thirsty and evilly amused at the memories of tormenting with fish.
Currently listening to: People type and chat in the comp room.
Currently watching: The computer screen. The colours are all wonky... it annoys me.
Currently reading: H2G2 Mostly Harmless. Finally, on the final book.
Current quote: don't know where from
Just imagine how stoked you'd be, driving home from work and knowing that there's a ninja monkey in your house just waiting to attack you. I'd get into the house and call, "Monkey, I know you're there! Let's finish this"
Current evil idea: Disciplinary measure in the classroom - threaten to kill a hostage if the kids are bad. No, no, no... I'm not going to start killing the students. What's wrong with you people. If the kids are bad, I'm going to scoop a fish out of the aquarium and say "Kids, behave or Mr. Fins dies in about 30 seconds. You don't want to have his death on your hands, do you? See, look, he's flopping around, he's dying... LINE UP FOR RECESS NOW!!"
Current burning question: My God, what's wrong with me and how much therapy do I need to fix it?
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