

My third post this month. And, actually, my third post in about a week. I don't know what day it is... not working does that to you. Time is like a big blur... an eternal weekend. I like that a lot. Well, this is my 90th post, so... uh, yay me?

But that wasn't my reason for posting. My sister got back from her road trip to B.C. today. Sounds like she had a lot of fun. She spent quite a bit of time talking about the people she met and places she went to out there. Seeing as this girl can talk a mile a minute, that's a lot of talking getting done there. The only thing I feel sorry for her about is the fact that her friend that she went to visit in B.C. was an absolute bitch. I've met this girl... she seemed really nice but, as I learnt later, she is really manipulative. I mean, she borrowed my sister's truck, got a ticket and forgot to pay it. Luckily, my sissy got the money from her. She's also notorious for using people to buy her drinks at bars and driving her around when she wants to go out and get drunk. Call me crazy, but I wouldn't take that for long... I'd like to think. My poor sister gets out west and this girl (Jen) i s wanting to get driven around in B.C., is telling my sister not to talk to certain people just because they don't like her (Jen, not my sister), and she's talking to my sister and twisting around what other people say to make them look bad. Plus, she was trash-talking about my sis to complete strangers. I kinda hate this girl.

Aside from that, Mel had fun. It would have been better if she'd had a better friend out there. But she had friends that she'd met along the way and stuff... Jen aside, my sis had a blast. I'm happy for her... she'd been working to hard lately.

On another note, Tannis has returned from cadet camp in Alberta (I think it was in Alberta, at any rate). She got back yesterday. I haven't seen her or talked to her yet, mostly because she loves other people more than me. (Kidding, Tannis-sama, kidding). Well, welcome back snookums. Wuv ya!

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"The Key is someone who's new to this world, and Bob Barker's older than dirt"
- Glory, BtVS

What's the deal with that man? I mean, he was old when I was watching the Price is Right as a kid... now he's still alive and kicking. I'm surprised he can still remember his name!! He is so FRICKEN' old!! He can't still be alive. It's just mind-boggling.

I was watching the show today, and I remembered how, when women would get up on the show-case, they used to be all screaming and jumping around and hugging Bob like there was no tomorrow. This was a few years ago, mind you. I don't think the poor guy could handle that well.

Today, this one guy, I think his name was Les, got up on showcase. He was kinda jumping up and down, all excited. He was kinda close to Bob at the time, and I remembered thinking, actually, yelling at the TV screen "Watch out for Bob!!" Seriously, what if he'd gotten knocked over?? The man woulda broken a hip. How horrible would have that been... a dude as old as Bob being knocked-over by an over-enthusistiac contestant on national TV.

Thankfully, the dude didn't knock Bob over. But, when he won his game, he did hug Bob with a great deal of enthusiasm. Again, I yelled at the dude, "Watch out for Bob, ya idiot!! You'll break the old fart!" When Les finally let go and walked away, Bob even joked "You broke my thumb, Les!" I had to laugh, the man's funny.

By the by, Bob Barker was born December 12, 1923. Man's almost 81. Holy Crap!! And you should see all the stuff he's done. 15 Emmys, was on Price over 30 years, has a CBS studio named after him (in honour of the 5,000th Price episode), et cetera, et cetera. Bob, I lift my hat to you.

I'm not wearing a hat. Awwww... sorry Bob.

Check out this link to see some Price Is Right... A-Team style!!

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Well, Time for my bi-monthly post. Went to Lynnsey's cabin on Friday with Lynn, Carla, Mel, Margaret and Sylvie. Did I forget anyone?? No... good. The shopping trip on Wednesday was kinda funny... thank G0d we'd made up a list of stuff to buy before even heading out to the store. And thank God for Margaret, Queen of planning and organising. We'd be nowhere without her. Or, at the very least, we'd all still be in Lynnsey's living room saying "So, guys. What should we buy?"

And, just for the record, driving with three hyperactive people and with a walkie-talkie that provides verbal access to a car carrying an additional three hypreactive people is very, VERY fun. There were times I was laughing so hard I could hardly breathe. And I was DRIVING, for goodness sakes. Fun. The lake water was BLOODY cold, though. Poor Mel nearly got hypothermia when she went in. I took pity on her and helped her back out. An evil person woulda let her drown. Oh, why can't I be an evil person??

Thankfully, Lynnsey's plan for skinny dipping didn't pan out. We decided to watch a corny movie and, by the time it was over, it was really dark. People were all like "So, do we want to do skinnydipping? But then what will we do?" Indecisiveness was sucky, so I finally said "Fine, let's go swimming. But I ain't gettin' nekkid." We got down to the dock, decided it was freaky-dark, turned tail back to the cabin and got drunk. Very fun. It's been WAY too long for me. I think I was the most smashed person there. Everything was suddenly very funny. :D Sunday morning came, but Carla's promised Belgain Waffles did not. Lack of yeast. That was okay, though. I don't think any of us were in the mood for a huge breakfast. We were all kinda groggy. Thankfuly, no hangover for me. YAY!

Went to Killarney today with Mommy and her bud Lori. Long drive with parent and friend is not so much fun. Was dying for at least ONE of my buds. Got to Killarney and drove around a bit... to the place where Mommy grew up, to the cemetary where both my grandparents are burried (They died before I was born). It was amazing to see how many people died in '72... the same year as my grandpa. Also depressing to know how many people Mom knew there. "That's my friend who had a heart attack at the age of 13, there's that girl that was run over by at boat a year later..." Yeah... going to Killarney cemetary with Mommy was fun.

Then we got to the point of our trip and went to see Mom's friend Hazel and her husband Brian. Or, as my Mom calls Hazel, her second mom. I'd forgotten just how cute Brian is. I wish he was my real grandfather. He's so funny. We went on a little tour of Killarney, around the beach, out near William Lake to see where the house my grandmother was born in used to stand. Went to see other places, the new housing developments.

The little tour renforced my wish to not live in a small town. Everyone really DID know everyone else's business. "So and so played around with so and so and the couple split up, this couple seperated and she's stuck with 3 little boys..." et cetera, et cetera. Having everyone in town know about this is one thing, but having it narrated to complete strangers during a town tour is another thing. True, most of these visitors really don't care about these people and couldn't put faces to names. Well... my Mom could, seeing as she grew up in that town. But, it's jsut kinda strange.

Next, we went to see one of Hazel's daughters. They have a beautiful place... swear to God, this woman should be an interior designer. Not that there'd be much demand in Killarney. Best of all... the people had a KITTEN!! It, well, HE belongs to their daughter, who's a year younger than me. TJ was a beautiful, fluffy little burmese kitten with soft, soft fur and BIG blue eyes. Naturally, I picked him up and held him every chance I got. We were joking that I'd steal him, that I'd walk out the door with this fluffy little tail sticking out my pocket. He didn't fit... I tried. Kidding.

We went for a nice supper and everyone just chatted and, in my Mom's case, caught up on life. Turns out Stacey, the daughter, is going into her third year of education at U of Brandon. She was talking to me about some of the former roommates she'd had, some of her troubles with finding a place this year. Listening to her talk, she seemed so much more wordly than I am. I've never lived away from home, I'm waiting until after I graduate. But I guess that, living in Killarney, a person kinda can't stay in their hometown and study. Thank God for living in Winnipeg. Yay us!!

On that note... tired. 'Night

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