

Today's topic: The thing I wanted to post yesterday

If I hadn't been too busy and lazy to post yesterday, the topic would have been something like this...

Yesterday's intended topic: And yet, why don't I feel regret? *tear*

You see, I had recently ranted about how I would regret going to the gym on Tuesday. I was certain that I'd wake up today with sore muscles and very much pain. But, much to my amazement... I felt no pain whatsoever yesterday!! Well, okay, it's not like I was incapable of feeling the sensation of pain yesterday. In fact, I felt it very much when my kitty attacked my hands and feet. It hurt. What I mean to say is, my stint in the gym had not a single sore-muscley repercussion the next day. w00t!! Perhaps the gym is better than getting drunk and having sex. Wait... that can't be. Forget I said that. But I was feeling good yesterday (aside from the fact that I couldn't sleep and made cookies at 2am).

Today's other topic: REGRET!! REGRET!! OWWWWWWWWWW!!!

I decided that since I wasn't in pain yesterday, I should take up on my sister's offer to go to the gym again today. I figured, heck, I feel good now, I want to get in shape. It's a good idea.

NO! it was a BAD idea. Bad bad bad. I'm in pain now.I stretched and everything and didn't push myself too hard and still, PAID! I haven't even gone to sleep yet... so I know I'll be in agony tomorrow.

I changed my mind. Drinking and sex are definitely better than exercise. In fact... drinking sounds like a marvy idea right about now. But that would just fuck up all my hard work from exercising.

On another note... my Mommy phoned today. YAY!! But she sounds (and is) really sick. BOO!! It sounds like she ahd a good time, but she's ready to come home now. And now, I can steal all her travelling tips and use them for when I go. HEHEHEHEH!! Plus, she's bringing each of the children back some euros (just the coins... no 100 euro bill for me :( ). That way, I can get used to seeing the new money. YAY.

And I am sleepy now. But I have made mucho cookies. I'd have about 6 dozen if my sister hadn't grabbed some. BOO!! Oh well. :P
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Oooh... on another note.. there's something I really don't understand. This post has a tiny spoiler for Meet the Fockers, so if you haven't seen it and don't want to be spoiled in the least bit, stop reading. I mean it. Now!!

Well, anyways, I saw this first on an episode of Crossing Jordan and in the movie Meet the Fockers. Someone got drugged and the person drugging them said "Don't worry, you won't remember this at all." And then, the drugged person comes to, someone asks them "Dude, what the hell happened to you?" and the drugee replies "Dude! I totally remember! So-and-so drugged me!"

And yet, a tiny voice in my head is stuttering "But, but, but.. THEY WEREN'T SUPPOSED TO REMEMBER A THING!! THE HELL?!?!" I thought the whole point of giving the person drugs was a) to get information and b) TO MAKE IT SO THAT THEY WOULDN'T REMEMBER A THING!! I don't get it! The drugee isn't supposed to remember, yet he/she DOES. Now, either the drugee is superhuman, the druger doesn't know what the hell the drug is really supposed to do (and is therefore incompetent and should not be playing with said drug) or the drug dealer who sold the drug to the druger is pedelling an inferior product, and the druger should get their money back. Hm... I never thought I'd be able to use so many variations of the word "drug" in one sentence. Go me!!!

Don't ask my why I'm ranting about this... it just really bugs me. Have I mentioned I'm on crack? Don't worry, I won't remember a thing. :P
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Today's Topic: Q: What do exercise, drinking binges and having sex with a stranger you just picked up at the bar have in common?

A: They all feel good at the time, but you regret it the morning after. Well, perhaps not the sex, 'cause its always possible that the stranger you picked up could be a really lousy lay.

Out of the three, I honestly think the exercise is the worst to deal with. With the drinking, you don't really have pain the day of unless you fall into something.

The hangover the morning after would, hypothetically, be a bitch to deal with (I've never been hung over, just tired. YAYS!!), but there are ways to prevent getting a hang over, such as drinking water. Plus, you don't have to consume hang-over-inducing amounts of alcohol in order to get a happy fuzzy feeling. You could, theoretically, go out and have a few drinks, have a good time and wake up tired, yet not puking, in the morning.

The sex with a stranger you just picked up at a bar could be good, or it could end up being a complete disaster. For example, we have already mentioned that the person could be a lousy lay. This, my friends, is the least of your worries! You could end up really liking the guy and he ends up being a complete asshole, and then you get hurt in the end. There could be an accident and nine months later you're sitting there with a child and no child support (or, if you're a guy, with child support to pay). Or, infinately worse, you could end up falling in love with the guy and getting married. NO! This really is the worst case scenario!! Seriously!! 'Cause, while you're happy for a few years, after a bit he starts going weird and creepy and always wanting to know where you are, not wanting you to have guy friends and controlling all your money. Then he's sleeping with all your friends and spending all your hard-earned money buying them gifts to get them to shut up about the whole thing. Then, you have one truly passionate yet badly timed affair with his best friend, and the husband walks in on you, goes beserk and murders you both! Then he kills your cat!!
Hm... okay.. so that last scenario was a little far-fetched. Best case scenario, however, is you had mind-blowing sex, the guy respects you in the morning but doesn't get all stalker-obsessive or whiney why-won't-you-spend-time-with-me and you either a) kick him out of bed and part ways amicably or b) decide to become fuck-buddies and have great sex with no strings attached.

Exercise is, by far, the worst of the three options. For, while I mistrust (okay, who are we kidding, hate men), I also hate pain. Sure, exercise feels good while you're doing it, but it's not the euphoric, giddy good of being buzzed and (I assume) good sex. Keep in mind that I am a virgin, therefore anything I say about sex is hypothetical. Exercising gives you a temporary burst of energy, feeling of accomplishment and revitilisation. But you've burned so much calories that you start really craving exactly the types of food that you should be AVOIDING. While, on the one hand, you want to be able to justify it by saying "I've just exercised a lot, I can treat myself", you know deep down inside that binging after exercising is just going to counteract the hard work you've done, and all that exercise would have, esentially, done fuck-all. Plus, it's almost gauranteed that you're gonna feel SOOOOOOOORE the next day, no matter how much you stretch. And it isn't like you can just puke a bit and sleep and the pain goes away... noooo. You could potentially end up being sore for days. So, to recap, only a tiny good feeling, cravings that make it so that all that hard work is for nothing and MUCH PAIN for a few days. Give me booze over exercising ANY DAY!

In case you haven't guessed by now... I actually exercised today. I feel okay... but tomorrow morning, I'll be cursing the day I got a Y membership.
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Current mood: Not bad, thanks for asking. Though I'd hate to be me in the morning. Wait... I will be me. Fuck it all!! >:(
Currently watching: The computer screen.
Currently reading: Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, various Gravitation mangas, Cereluan sins (still).
Currently listening to: The hum of the computer, the movement of the wind outside the window, the cat jumping on the counter. Bloody cat!! >:(
Current Quote: (From Timeline, the movie)
Archeologist: This coming from the boy who used to hate Easter because he had to find the eggs.
His son: That's because you buried the eggs!!
Archeologist: That's besides the point!!
Plus, the guy who played the Archeologist had an awesome accent! Ooh... He's the dude who played Uncle Monty in Lemony Snickett's "A series of unfortunate events". I'm sure I must have him in my closet... either for voice or hugging.

On that note...
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Today's Topic #1 : I am NOT Martha Stewart...
It's just too much freaking work!!
Seriously... it really is. Especially when it comes to cooking. I knew there was a reason I hated to cook. First you have to buy the stuff, then you have to make it, then you have to eat it, then you have to clean EVERYTHING up. While I like the eating part... the rest of it is just a bitch to do.
Take yesterday, for example. I had once bought Tempura batter mix for a New Year's party, then didn't use it. Thankfully, the mix does not go bad. Then I had Jen over yesterday and decided "Hmmm... wouldn't it be cool if we made shrimp tempura?" Remind me to never think again. EVER!!
Not only was the freakin' oil burning me and spitting at me... it is also annoying to tempurafy the shrimp and to clean up afterwards. I haven't even tried... I'm dreading the whole thing. Needless to say, I have a CRAPLOAD of dishes to do. Hate it.
Kinda like what happened after the little Spa party I had last week... the dishes were a bitch to do. Now, I volunteered to make quiche to bring to my aunt's house tomorrow for Mother's Day. I also decided to bake cookies for my Grandma for tomorrow. Did I mentioned that I had offered to do these things BEFORE my dishes disaster last night?
Note to self: Take a lesson from Lynnsey. Stick to chips. :(

Today's Topic #2: Sometimes, my stupidity amazes even me!!
I don't see why I'm telling you people this... maybe I figure that you might just need a laugh today. Feel free to laugh at me... for a bit. I deserve it. Mind you... I only deserve about 2 minutes of laughing time. After which, I shall insist that you STOP laughing and never mention this again. I mean it! If you don't I'll hunt you down and hurt you. Fortunately (and yet, also sadly), I know where everyone who reads this blog lives. (Yes, I mean you Mom!)
I was reading Carla's blog (no link for you), and had to move the bottom scroll bar to the side to see all of her text. Then I decided that I wanted to read some web comics. I looked to the left of the screen to find the web comics links only to realise that I didn't recognise a SINGLE title there. In fact... the titles didn't make any sense at all. They were the following...
etc... I don't feel like naming them all.
Then I started to panic a bit. "Wait!!" I thought. "What about all the web comics I love? I can't find them without the links on Carla's blog! And yet she went and changed them all. The bitch!! What the hell is all this? What is 'fe' anyways? It sounds like such a GAY comic! And "okyo"... what the hell kind of name is that?!?!"
That's when I realised that I was stupid. I moved the scroll bar to show the ENTIRE left side of the page to see the following (usual) comic names listed there:
Real Life
Mega Tokyo
Penny Arcade
and so on...
Yeah... silly, isn't it? I know, I know... you're all laughing. I can just imagine Carla's laugh. Stupid laugh. And Lynnsey... sitting there at her keyboard and going "hehehehe" at my stupidity.

Today's topic #3: I hate my friends.
And that is all.
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