You represent... angst.
You have an extremely cynical outlook on just about
everything. It's okay to sulk and be
depressed, but life is short, and you only get
one. It's only what you make it, and only you
can make it improve.
What feeling do you represent?
brought to you by Quizilla
Hm... fitting. At any rate, don't feel like typing much. Still alive and kicking. And stuff.
Unless my fridge and/or freezer attack me and throw frozen food-stuffs at me. Which, my mother has just warned me, is a distinct possibility.
Currently Watching: The Mummy. Cool flick.
Currently Reading: Blue Moon (Anita Blake bood), and Buffy the Vampire Slayer Book (Blood and Fog). (See a trend here?)
Current Mood: Homocidal.
Current Quote: I got nothing.
Just because I have nothing better to do, or rather, to add to this blog... IT'S QUIZ TIME!!

bitchy bitchy.. you do whatever it takes to get
what you want, and you really just don't care
Are You An Angel Or Demon?
brought to you by Quizilla
Only thing I gotta say is... Well DUH!! 'Specially lately. I'm a right bitch!! But it may eventually pass. I'm slightly more sociable right now thanks to my good friend Heineken. Gotta love that beer!!
At any rate, I'm sure you've all been waiting for me to continue that 'day in the life of an anime' story I kinda sorta maybe started. Well, I probably won't. And yes, that means I'll be out of the Tannis_Tanchi blog contest. Well, the truth is... I kinda don't care. I may do the contest, I may not. Depends on my mood... and my current mood isn't conductive to writing. It's also not conductive to interacting with actual people. Sorry if anyone out there got their hopes up, thinking I might do something creative or even remotely interesting. I'd say I'm sorry to disappoint... but that would be a fib.
On another note, I've started up a web site that (if at all possible) sucks more than this blog does. I'll probably add the link to it at some point in time. Perhaps. I dunno.
On that happy cheery note, have a nice night all!! Unless you're someone I hate, in which case, DIE! DIE!!! DIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!
(0) Psychos who've actually visited my Blog
Currently Reading: Blue Moon (Anita Blake bood), and Buffy the Vampire Slayer Book (Blood and Fog). (See a trend here?)
Current Mood: Homocidal.
Current Quote: I got nothing.
Just because I have nothing better to do, or rather, to add to this blog... IT'S QUIZ TIME!!
bitchy bitchy.. you do whatever it takes to get
what you want, and you really just don't care
Are You An Angel Or Demon?
brought to you by Quizilla
Only thing I gotta say is... Well DUH!! 'Specially lately. I'm a right bitch!! But it may eventually pass. I'm slightly more sociable right now thanks to my good friend Heineken. Gotta love that beer!!
At any rate, I'm sure you've all been waiting for me to continue that 'day in the life of an anime' story I kinda sorta maybe started. Well, I probably won't. And yes, that means I'll be out of the Tannis_Tanchi blog contest. Well, the truth is... I kinda don't care. I may do the contest, I may not. Depends on my mood... and my current mood isn't conductive to writing. It's also not conductive to interacting with actual people. Sorry if anyone out there got their hopes up, thinking I might do something creative or even remotely interesting. I'd say I'm sorry to disappoint... but that would be a fib.
On another note, I've started up a web site that (if at all possible) sucks more than this blog does. I'll probably add the link to it at some point in time. Perhaps. I dunno.
On that happy cheery note, have a nice night all!! Unless you're someone I hate, in which case, DIE! DIE!!! DIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!
No one ever accused me of being original...

A Little too Raph
You are Raphael. You are quick to anger and
can't stand it when made fun of. You take no
crap from anyone!!! You are sometime rebellious
and moodswings. All in All, you're pretty cool
What Ninja Turtle Are You?!
brought to you by Quizilla
Yes, ladies and gentlemen. And Lynnsey. If I were a Ninja Turtle (and I lament the fact that I'm not)... I'd be the one with ATTITUDE!! Not the sensai's pet, not the brainiac, not the male bimbo (would that be 'mimbo'??) I'm the bloody AWESOME one. Take that... uh, no one. Damn, I wish I had someone who's face I could rub this in. It would make the moment SO much sweeter.
As long as I'm here, I may as well make a very special announcement. My little friend Tannis has recently celebrated her birthday, though the party is yet to come. Hehe... can't wait to get her to the bar! Yes, you heard me Carla. I'm going to corrupt your sister.
But, at any rate... HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my little fluff-bunny (buahaha). I might do something cooler on this blog for you if I ever find out how to do anything more than type and change the colors. And paste stuff from quizzes. Well, toodles all!!
(0) Psychos who've actually visited my Blog
A Little too Raph
You are Raphael. You are quick to anger and
can't stand it when made fun of. You take no
crap from anyone!!! You are sometime rebellious
and moodswings. All in All, you're pretty cool
What Ninja Turtle Are You?!
brought to you by Quizilla
Yes, ladies and gentlemen. And Lynnsey. If I were a Ninja Turtle (and I lament the fact that I'm not)... I'd be the one with ATTITUDE!! Not the sensai's pet, not the brainiac, not the male bimbo (would that be 'mimbo'??) I'm the bloody AWESOME one. Take that... uh, no one. Damn, I wish I had someone who's face I could rub this in. It would make the moment SO much sweeter.
As long as I'm here, I may as well make a very special announcement. My little friend Tannis has recently celebrated her birthday, though the party is yet to come. Hehe... can't wait to get her to the bar! Yes, you heard me Carla. I'm going to corrupt your sister.
But, at any rate... HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my little fluff-bunny (buahaha). I might do something cooler on this blog for you if I ever find out how to do anything more than type and change the colors. And paste stuff from quizzes. Well, toodles all!!
Current Mood: Lazy
Currently Reading: Two books, Burnt Offerings (an Anita Blake Book) and some Buffy the Vampire Slayer book (Blood and Fog, I think)
Currently Listening to: The movie Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (not watching 'cause I'm busy typing).
You are most like Ron Weasley
Which Harry Potter Charactor Are You Most Like?
brought to you by Quizilla
I did this quiz thing to have something to put on my blog... don't know if there's a pic to go with it. Hope so, 'cause otherwise it'll suck.
So, I guess I should get to the real reason why I'm creating this post... Tanis_Tanchi is having a blog competition between a few ppls. The subject: A day in the life of your favorite anime, and the story must mention Jackie Chan. Why? Because everything's better with Jackie Chan.
Once upon a time, I was a cartoon character. Not just any cartoon character, I was an anime version of myself. Which meant I had HUGE fricken' eyes. I don't know exactly how this happened, but I was just going to go with it. (44)
So I was walking along by my anime-self, sorta wondering how to get back to reality-land and if I even wanted to, but mostly thinking 'Ooooh... cartoony goodness". Indeed, being in a living cartoon was neat in a trippy sorta way. ...
And i'm tired. I'll finish the rest tomrrow. Maybe. :)
(0) Psychos who've actually visited my Blog
Currently Reading: Two books, Burnt Offerings (an Anita Blake Book) and some Buffy the Vampire Slayer book (Blood and Fog, I think)
Currently Listening to: The movie Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (not watching 'cause I'm busy typing).
You are most like Ron Weasley
Which Harry Potter Charactor Are You Most Like?
brought to you by Quizilla
I did this quiz thing to have something to put on my blog... don't know if there's a pic to go with it. Hope so, 'cause otherwise it'll suck.
So, I guess I should get to the real reason why I'm creating this post... Tanis_Tanchi is having a blog competition between a few ppls. The subject: A day in the life of your favorite anime, and the story must mention Jackie Chan. Why? Because everything's better with Jackie Chan.
Once upon a time, I was a cartoon character. Not just any cartoon character, I was an anime version of myself. Which meant I had HUGE fricken' eyes. I don't know exactly how this happened, but I was just going to go with it. (44)
So I was walking along by my anime-self, sorta wondering how to get back to reality-land and if I even wanted to, but mostly thinking 'Ooooh... cartoony goodness". Indeed, being in a living cartoon was neat in a trippy sorta way. ...
And i'm tired. I'll finish the rest tomrrow. Maybe. :)
Anyone who's visited this site before 5 p.m. will have discovered that my blog still sucks... but colorfully so. Yes, thanks to Graymalkin and Baby C, I have learned how to mess around with colors. Yay me. Leaving now. Bye.
(0) Psychos who've actually visited my Blog
So, this is my blog. *looks around* It really sucks right now, and will probably only suck slightly less as time progresses. Hence, the web address. Ladies and gents and... others... don't get your hopes up. This blog will, beyond any shadow of doubt, SUCK!! I did warn you. Eventually, I think I might put up some links to better blogs (my friends blogs). Then again, I may not. This whole endevor may just lay forgotten like so many others. *sigh* Why can't I finish what I star... *blanks out*
You know all those stupid tv commercials that try to be all dramatic and inform parents about the horrid dangers of not knowing who their kid's friends are? I wish mine had listened to those. Because I fell in with the ABSOLUTE wrong crowd... and I feel it is my civic, moral and patriotic duty to warn you all so that you may avoid my dreadful, dreadful fate. It all starts out so innocent, really. That's the most devious part about it. A shy kid, not many friends, suddenly finds themselves amongst people who actually GET them, who make life seem exciting and fun. But the poor, unsuspecting shy sap (in this case, me) has no IDEA what's in store for them. It starts off slow and subtle... then before you know it... WHAM!!!
And that's how I found myself in this mess. Stuck in a dark and dreary world of the darkest and unholiest addictions known to man... unable to claw my way to blessed freedom. They say when you hit bottom, the only way to go is up. But the problem is.... I haven't stopped falling. There's always some new, wonderful and sinister addiction for one to abandon oneself too... one hideously sublime temptation after another. Through the evil workings of my "friends" I find myself trapped in a crazy, whirl-wind world of anime and Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Anita Blake books and... *shudder* HARRY POTTER!! (Excuse me whilst I hang my head in shame).
Well, what were you expecting me to be hooked on?? Booze, drugs, gambling and sex. That's only on every second Tuesday, unless I'm busy with one of my other addicitons. Well, not the sex, anymore, my friends cut me off. Kidding. Really, I am.
Yes, lesser mortals... er, I mean... dear readers, I do kid alot. I joke about being gay all the time with my friends... hell, my friends probably still wonder about me. I wonder if that's why they absolutly refuse my offers to have sleep-overs at my house so we can watch movies, eat popcorn and have pillow fights in our underwear?? But seriously, no matter how much I may kid, no matter how surprising and far-fetched it may seem... I really am straight. Just bring me James Marsters and I'LL PROVE IT!! Over and over and over again. (mmmm........ James Marsters). In case you haven't guess, I'm a bit obsessed.
So... I am a kidder, and a very sarcastic human being. Deal with it. All the people unfortunate enough to know me have to. So, some (okay, much) of what I say here cannot be taken seriously. I also procrastinate and have been known not to finish what I start. Or at least, take a bloody long time to finish (like Kenshin). This blog probably won't get very far. "Why did she even bother to start one?" you ask yourselves? Well, it's a bit like this....
Friends: Hey, Boducky! Look at our blogs.
Me: Uh... okay.
Friends: What do you think?
Me: Is it wrong that I think James Marsters woulda make a great Dr. Frankenfurter in Rocky Horry Picture Show and that I think he'd look GREAT in fishnet stockings?
Friends (worried): Uh... about our blogs.
Me: Oh... right. They're cool.
Friends: You should start a blog.
Me: No.
Friends: Yes.
Me: No!
Friends: Aw come on!
Me: NO! It will suck.
Me: Lalala... I'm so bored. I KNOW!! I should start a BLOG!! YEAH!!
Ya, that was about how it went. Damn me. And I'm spent. g'night all!! *crosses her fingers, hopes she can post this without erasing it because that would just SUCK!*
(0) Psychos who've actually visited my Blog
You know all those stupid tv commercials that try to be all dramatic and inform parents about the horrid dangers of not knowing who their kid's friends are? I wish mine had listened to those. Because I fell in with the ABSOLUTE wrong crowd... and I feel it is my civic, moral and patriotic duty to warn you all so that you may avoid my dreadful, dreadful fate. It all starts out so innocent, really. That's the most devious part about it. A shy kid, not many friends, suddenly finds themselves amongst people who actually GET them, who make life seem exciting and fun. But the poor, unsuspecting shy sap (in this case, me) has no IDEA what's in store for them. It starts off slow and subtle... then before you know it... WHAM!!!
And that's how I found myself in this mess. Stuck in a dark and dreary world of the darkest and unholiest addictions known to man... unable to claw my way to blessed freedom. They say when you hit bottom, the only way to go is up. But the problem is.... I haven't stopped falling. There's always some new, wonderful and sinister addiction for one to abandon oneself too... one hideously sublime temptation after another. Through the evil workings of my "friends" I find myself trapped in a crazy, whirl-wind world of anime and Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Anita Blake books and... *shudder* HARRY POTTER!! (Excuse me whilst I hang my head in shame).
Well, what were you expecting me to be hooked on?? Booze, drugs, gambling and sex. That's only on every second Tuesday, unless I'm busy with one of my other addicitons. Well, not the sex, anymore, my friends cut me off. Kidding. Really, I am.
Yes, lesser mortals... er, I mean... dear readers, I do kid alot. I joke about being gay all the time with my friends... hell, my friends probably still wonder about me. I wonder if that's why they absolutly refuse my offers to have sleep-overs at my house so we can watch movies, eat popcorn and have pillow fights in our underwear?? But seriously, no matter how much I may kid, no matter how surprising and far-fetched it may seem... I really am straight. Just bring me James Marsters and I'LL PROVE IT!! Over and over and over again. (mmmm........ James Marsters). In case you haven't guess, I'm a bit obsessed.
So... I am a kidder, and a very sarcastic human being. Deal with it. All the people unfortunate enough to know me have to. So, some (okay, much) of what I say here cannot be taken seriously. I also procrastinate and have been known not to finish what I start. Or at least, take a bloody long time to finish (like Kenshin). This blog probably won't get very far. "Why did she even bother to start one?" you ask yourselves? Well, it's a bit like this....
Friends: Hey, Boducky! Look at our blogs.
Me: Uh... okay.
Friends: What do you think?
Me: Is it wrong that I think James Marsters woulda make a great Dr. Frankenfurter in Rocky Horry Picture Show and that I think he'd look GREAT in fishnet stockings?
Friends (worried): Uh... about our blogs.
Me: Oh... right. They're cool.
Friends: You should start a blog.
Me: No.
Friends: Yes.
Me: No!
Friends: Aw come on!
Me: NO! It will suck.
Me: Lalala... I'm so bored. I KNOW!! I should start a BLOG!! YEAH!!
Ya, that was about how it went. Damn me. And I'm spent. g'night all!! *crosses her fingers, hopes she can post this without erasing it because that would just SUCK!*