

Today's topic: Confusion
Every time I broaden my horizens and try to get more cultural stuff jammed into my skull, I get more and more confused.
Take learning french, for example. I have been systematically confusing myself on a linguistic level for over 10 years of my life now. That's almost half my fricken life. Mixing up french and english grammar and syntax, being entrenched in either french or english mode when I have to convers and/or write in the other language and having people think I'm slow and stupid when really I have to put up with the double-task of thinking AND translating.
In grade 11, I took a spanish class. BAAAD idea. Suddenly, I had three languages bouncing around in my skull. It took me weeks to remember that 'tambien' is spanish, and I should use 'aussi' in french. That and spanish verbs in my little skull.
The latest chapter in this saga is that of Japenese anime and, more specifically, manga. Now, don't get me wrong, I love anime. Though I still curse Carla and Lynnsey for getting me hooked, as it takes up much time, energy and computer space (I have a feeling that's the reason my compy crashed). I've also taken to reading Manga translated into english, specifically Trigun, Gravitation and Naruto. However, the page format is kept in Japanese style, where one must read from right to left in order for the story to make sense. I've been reading a lot of Naruto manga recently, so I've gotten rather used to this. Too used to this.
I was reading the comics one Saturday, I believe it was For Better or For Worse. For the life of me, I couldn't understand why the story didn't make ANY sense. Well, sure, I sort of understood it, but everything seemed kinda out of order, and I couldn't explain it. Why would the kid answer a question before the mother even asked it? I didn't get it... at first.
English comics = left to right reading. I was going right to left, as if I was reading japanese manga. I smacked myself for my stupidity and started reading properly. No big deal.
Today, I was reading MegaTokyo and wondering why things didn't make sense. Japanese stuff = right to left, né? Not if it's written by americans and follows american comic orientation. *sigh*
That's it... no more cultural stuffs for me. Except Europe. I refuse to give that up. Deal.
Current mood: Tired and headachey
Currently reading: Various articles on the acquisition of language.
Currently listening to: People at school type
Currently watching: The computer screen. I'm gonna miss Crossing Jordan. *pout*
Current quote:
Girl at school: God, buying a house is too complicated. (looks at me) I'm just going to move in with you.
Me: Well, I'm gonna live with my mom.
Girl: So, I'll live with your mom too.
M. Kenny (my teaching mentor): ... (rolls eyes in exasperation).

Shut up. It amuses me. SHUT UP ALREADY!! *g*
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Today's topic: What the heck kinda hallocnogenic drugs was I on when I thought I could be a teacher?!?! GARG!!
I dislike student teaching. Really dislike it. Especially when I have to teach a class with less than 3 hours prep time. When I'm not used to teaching. I'm not even used to highschool life. Holding these kids hands every step of the way. Assuming that they know NOTHING... not even stuff that they saw last week. Not even stuff that they saw 10 minutes ago. Assuming that they would write down important stuff that you said and not just stuff that was on the board. Oh my god! I taught a class today, and I tanked. Big time. Imagine a bomb or a missel whistling through the air and then crashing. I had that sound playing on repeat through my head after I taught that class. M. Kenny even admitted that it sucked. He gave me some credit, though. After all, I had no idea until around 9 this morning that I'd be teaching this class. None whatsoever. And now my head hurts. Gah. Is it too late to drop out and become a panhandler?
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Yeah, I just had to add this link, because it amused me very much. It could be that I saw this vid before and just forgot about it. Eh.


Current quote (from the vid):
So now we've got nuculear winter, and everyone's dead except Australia and they're still like "Wtf?" But they're gonna be dead soon.
(0) Psychos who've actually visited my Blog
Yeah, I just had to add this link, because it amused me very much. It could be that I saw this vid before and just forgot about it. Eh.


Current quote (from the vid):
So now we've got nuculear winter, and everyone's dead except Australia and they're still like "Wtf?" But they're gonna be dead soon.
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Well, reading week is almost over, and I've accomplished nothing. I coulda really caught up on homework and preparing for student teaching. No such thing. You know, getting a week's vacation is a major tease... you just start to relax, and then you have to go back. Boo-urns.
At any rate... quizes!

You scored as Neji. You’re Neji, the bird in the cage.
You carry a label you got when you were born, and there’s no way you could pretend to be something else than what you are. This has made you believe firmly in destiny. You’re a praised genius but deep inside you feel miserable. It’s time someone showed you people can change.

Which Naruto ninja are you most like?
created with QuizFarm.com

Ah, well, it could be worse. At least I'm not Saskue. (grrr!!!) I heart Neji and shall add him to my closet community. No, not my closet hisem... that's just wrong.

You came from heaven. Your gole in life is to help
others and to make the world a better place.
Some call you weak, but in reality your soul is
very strong. If only more people were like

Where did you come from?
brought to you by Quizilla

Hmmm... someone must talk to the head honcho up in heaven re: quality control. Seems that they're letting inferior products to earth. :P

Dark magician. You love the dark because of it's
beauty and just the life that no-one else sees.
Mysterious, calm, quiet... But that doesn't
mean you're not friendly!

Please rate ^^

What kind of dark person are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Does this still count if I'm afraid of the dark?? O.o

Water. Whatever you do, where or when, you do it
with all of your heart. You listen to your
heart and all of your emotions are true
non-acting. Friends are very importent to you
and you will do anything for them. You're the
most dreamy of all 4 elements.

What is your element?
brought to you by Quizilla

Water. Huh. Kinda wish I was Fire. Burn... burn... BUUUUUUUUURRRRRRNNNNNN!!! hehe I'm all better now.

You're an Outleg. people don't except you the way
that you are. You are not a part of a group,
but have some friends, mostly people just like
you. You are being loyal to your way of living,
and that's worth more than hanging round with
some group.

What kind of group person are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

I've run out of smart-ass coments. Eh.
Currently listening to: A clock ticking and me typing.
Current mood: Need to brush my teeth.
Currently watching: Compy screen.
Current quote: (From a Naruto Christmas pic)
Itachi (dressed as Santa): And what would you like for Christmas, little boy?
Saskue (sitting on Itachi's lap, arms crossed): My clan back.
Itachi: Oh, I'm sorry, we're fresh out of that. All we have left is... untimely death!

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Today's Topic #1: Happy Valentine's Day.
Belated Valentine's Day. I didn't do anything for anyone, for I think it is a useless holiday. Plus, saving de money for Europe... I have become a cheap bitch. So there.
#2: I don't know if Nuns can fly, but Mums sure can't.
My mother is living proof. You think she would have learned that lesson after falling down stairs a year ago and screwing up her shoulder- which, by the way, the doctor still hasn't figured out what's wrong. Yesterday, we were painting and I was taking a bit of a break talking to Chrissy on the phone. All of a sudden, CRASH! BANG! BOOM! I rush into the kitchen and find my mother lying on the floor, an overturned piano bench lying beside her. It took her awhile to get up again. Silly mother, you'd think she'd learn. By the way, she is fine. And by that, I mean, her body is not anymore screwed up than it was before this ordeal.
#3: Saw Hitch. Cute movie. Chrissy is my new best friend.
#4: They once were lost, but now are found.
Yes, my movies that I posted about a bit ago have been found. Carla had them. And by that, I mean, she stole them. Sorta. Just on a whim, I phoned her and asked if they were potentially lying under her couch downstairs from the last time I went to her place and brought along my big bag 'o movies. Lo and behold... they actually were there. Not only is Carla a liar and evil... she is also a theif. Don't trust her, people. Don't trust her.
#5: My latest movie buying binge.
Last Sunday, I went out with Jen for sushi and movies. We just rented/bought movies from Blockbuster instead of going to see one. It would have been cheaper to go and see them in theaters. The first movie I bought was Monty Python and the Holy Grail. The first time I watched it was the day that Abbey died. I felt like watching a stupid, cheesey, Linnsey-esque movie. It made me happy and amused me greatly. So I decided to buy it. Next movie, Schindler's List. I saw it and remembered it was a really good movie. Watched part of it and remembered why it depressed the ever living hell out of me. Oh, why did I buy that movie? The depression! The depression! Final movie: Timeline. It has Gerard Butler who is not a vampire/Judas, evil-yet-sexy traitor, psychotic-homocidal-yet-VERY-*drool*-sexy opera ghost. He is a scholar. He is scottish. He is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO cute! Lynnsey will not hate his character. However, she will have another reason to hate movie-Lupin's actor. Not saying any more... I'm making her watch it tomorrow. BUAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
#6: No cookies for Chris.
I know I owe him for partially fixing my computer, and I really did make cookies for him... I swear I was planning on giving them to him on Sunday when I went to Lynnsey's house. Sadly, those plans fell through. And then, before I could give them to him, my cat walked on the cookies. Silly cat. I can't give those cookies away now. Le pout.
And that is all for now. Catch you on the flip side.
Currently reading: stuff and fanfic
Currently watching: The comp screen
Currently listening to: Me type. Though I was just listening to Cells
Current mood: beh
Current quote: (The Incredibles... cute flick)
Dash (crying, while stuck in the middle of an ocean after their plane was shot down):
We're dead! We're dead! We survived but we're dead!

Huh... I guess you kinda had to be there and hear the young child's anguish in order to get the true humor of that comment. WHAT!?! Stop looking at me like I'm the devil incarnate!
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Sorry with the not posting lately.
At any rate, in recent news... Lynnsey had a birthday party on Friday. Yay Lynnsey!! She turned 23 on the 25th of January. Poor hun was sick on her birthday (borthday? The hell?) so we didn't get to party until a couple of days ago. Unfortunately, Rin's idea of partying is dragging us to awful movies. Like, REALLY awful movies. The last one was Boogeyman. You see, when we were discussing birthday plans for Rin, I made the mistake of telling her "It's your birthday, hun. Do whatever you like." Yes, I take partial blame. I plea not guilty due to temporary insanity.
And the really scary thing about this ordeal is that Lynn APOLOGISED AHEAD OF TIME! She KNEW this would be a god awful film. And it was. Lynn, you know how we sort of owed you for dragging you to Phantom (The girl didn't like Phantom!! What's WRONG with my friends??) Well, we no longer owe you. In fact, we're burning you in effigy. *burn*
One thing that was kind of funny/annoying about the movie was the fact that it was 14a, so there were a bunch of teenagers there. It was funny to hear the girls scream whenever something slightly scary happened. I, on the other hand, closed my eyes. I could really predict when something freaky was going to happen. Hell, sometimes I even called EXACTLY what was going to happen. Plus, it was fun to sit beside Tannis (my schmoo-schmoo) and make fun of the movie... whenever I wasn't covering my eyes, that is. :D
After the movie, we went to Perkins. We really enjoyed ourselves and traumatised all the waiters there. Poor Mike will never be the same. :D We also got Rin some nifty presents... I was the only one who wrapped mine in something other than a plastic bag. It was great.
And now I should go for to study and stuff.
Current mood: Happy, for I am getting sushi. :D
Currently watching: Computer screen.
Currently listening to: Nothing... but the Sawyer song is stuck in my head. Curse you Rin. *shakes fist*
Currently reading: Susan Kay's Phantom and school stuff.
Current Quote: I got nothing.

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I'm a horrible friend. Again. No, not to Chrissy. To someone else this time. Well, here it goes...

Happy Birthday to Mel,
Happy Birthday to Mel
Happy Birthday to Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllll.
Happy Birthday to Mel!!

And many mooooooooore.

And that`s that.
Oh, her B-day was yesterday. And I didn't post anything. 3vil m3. (which is l33t for evil me) :(

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