

Today's Topic: NAAAANII?!?!?!
I didn't WANT to get the same one as Carla. *whine* Unlike her, I'm not Jewish. Now, pass the pork and cow buttocks!

20 Questions to a Better Sense of Humor

Sunny/Dark: 5/10
drY/Gross: 2/10
Traditional/Offbeat: 5/10
Active/Passive: 5/10

You are a SYT--Sunny Dry Traditional. This makes you a Sophisticate.

You like conservative humor -- implied rather than explicit, and a well- timed eyebrow raise rather than a punchline. You're exactly the right kind of funny a well-bred hostess would want at her functions. You might be Jewish.

You're not afraid of a risque joke -- you just don't often make them. This means that people may keep it squeaky clean around you, and that when you do work blue it's super too so funny.

You're like Jon Stewart on that fake cover of the public domain Victorian erotica textbook in the back of America. You should get that book. You'll think it's funny as hell.

You might like The Daily Show, Remember Wenn and when Hamlet says, "Do you think I meant country matters?" You would snigger thyself all the way to the buttery bar.

Of the 10264 people who have taken this quiz, 25.9 % are this type.

Your Active humor score of 5/10 means you're a yellow dash of comedy down the middle of the humorous road. You prefer to listen than to be the center of attention, inserting funny observations and comments rather than driving the herd. That's cool. Just remember that the quantity of funny you provide tends to make people think you're up to something.

Current mood: Tired and headachy and so much to do
Currently reading: School stuff, Susan Kay's Phantom, Cerulean Sins... too much
Currently watching: Comp screen
Currently listening to: People type
Burning in effigy: French preposisions. CURSE YOU ALL!!!
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Today's Topic:
Happy Birthday to Rin!
Happy Birthday to Rin!
Happy Birthday to Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!
Happy Birthday to Rin!

There, now you don't have to listen to me sing. What more could you want for your birthday? This is the best present that I could possibly give you. Plus, I'm cheap and lazy. No shopping for me. YAY!!

*sigh* Fine... I'll go out and buy your present tonight. Be that way. Le suck.
(1) Psychos who've actually visited my Blog
Today's Topic:
Happy Birthday to Rin!
Happy Birthday to Rin!
Happy Birthday to Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!
Happy Birthday to Rin!

There, now you don't have to listen to me sing. What more could you want for your birthday? This is the best present that I could possibly give you. Plus, I'm cheap and lazy. No shopping for me. YAY!!

*sigh* Fine... I'll go out and buy your present tonight. Be that way. Le suck.
(0) Psychos who've actually visited my Blog


Today's Topic: The Hell? I like Neji??
That's to say, I like Neji more than I like Saskue. I used to hate Neji. Now, I don't so much. Not like Neji as in, I want to glomp him. Just no longer have extreme hatred and loathing for him like I used to.
At any rate... Happy Belated B-day to Chrissy. NOOOOOO... I didn't forget this year. I phoned her on her birthday... TWICE! I had to leave a message the first time and was worried she wouldn't get it. So I phoned her again. Then we took her out to supper on Saturday. I just haven't posted it on my blog yet.
Supper went fine, except poor Lynnsey was sick. Poor sicko.
At any rate... just wanted to post that. I WAS A GOOD FRIEND THIS YEAR!! YAY ME!
Current mood: Head-achy and tired
Currently reading: Phantom and school stuff and Cerulean Sins.
Currently watching: Divine secrets of the ya-ya sisterhood.
Currently listening to: same
Current quote:
(From Buras Mew Just for the Ladies
(re: Kakashi has to temporarily take over teaching Anko's SEX ED CLASS)
“Well…” She gave a short pause to think about “I just want kids… to learn about sex in a healthy manner and not in some girls’ bathroom. Do you have any idea’s some of the silly rumours that go on in there? … I just want them to have an opportunity to get the facts straight... unlike some unfortunate children.”

“Orochimaru-sensei…?” A twelve-year-old Anko asked. “Where do baby’s come from?”
Orochimaru’s eyes began to twitch. “Um…”
Anko waited patently with her big black chibi eyes.

Orochimaru summoned one of his gigantic snakes. “LOOK! A GIGANTIC SNAKE! GO PLAY!!!”

“Yay! ^_^” Chibi Anko, completely forgetting about her question, ran off to play with the snake.

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Dammit, Rin-chan. Tell me what you want for your birthday.
Dammit, Carla. Give me new Narutos.
Dammit, Tannis. Phone me back. P.S. You're invited to Baby C's b-day thing this saturday @Brannigans @ The Forks @ 6:30 ish if you so desire.
People are le sucks. And I love them all.
Later allz.
Current mood: Tired and kinda stressy and really not wanting to do homework.
Currently reading: School stuffs, Cerulean Sins.
Currently listening to: People type.
Currently burning in effigy: French grammar. Damn you.
Current quote(s):
Anthony Hopkins as Van Helsing in Dracula (totally nonchalante): What are we going to do with her? Why, merely stake her heart and cut off her head.
Bender (Futurama): *sings* Leela crack corn, and I don't care. Fry crack corn, and I don't care. Bender crack corn, and I am aweeeeesooooooooome. Take that you stupid corn!!
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The only downside about having a big movie collection (Besides having to buy all those movies in the first place), is that people keep BORROWING your movies. Soon, you start to lose track of them. Unfortunately, that's what happened to me.
Guys, I currently happen to be missing Dogma and Beauty and the Beast. The others are all accounted for: Either in my house or people have borrowed them and not given them back. My friends are usually pretty good for that stuff, my main concern is my OWN FAMILY! They have 12 of my movies. Evil them.
At any rate, if anyone happens to have an extra copy of Dogma or Beauty and the Beast at their places, it's mine. I may have forgotten them there when I've brought my big bag 'o movies to your places. Please, take a quick peek around for them. Thanks.
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Today's Topic: Ahahahaha!!
Re: Naruto Episode 101 aka Mission: Demask Kakashi!
That was soooooooooooooo funny. Carla, you're right. The "aho!" crows are just great. :D You know, I really liked this filler episode. It's just so silly and funny and Saskue's kinda outta character. I mean, I could never really imagine him getting all wound-up in one of Naruto's hairball schemes. I'm surprised that Naruto didn't try something like this earlier, though.
I also thought the Haze brothers were great. They're such absolute dorks. I felt kinda sorry for the frog that got nailed with the laughing medecine. Then I laughed like crazy when he just died.
Me: Awwwww... poor little froggy. :( hehehe, it's dead. Hehehe.
As for the end, let me just say this:
Kakashi, you sly, wiley bastard... I salute thee. And curse thee for being so damned literal.

Anywho.. changing subjects. Well, I'll still be talking about Naruto, but not that particular episode. I love it in the anime when people always say "Well, I'm 30% recovered" or "I'm 80% certain that I know what this person is talking about". They never just say "I'm a bit this" or "I'm mostly that". They use percentage for EVERYTHING! That just amuses me greatly. How can you be 80% sure that you understand something? Right now, I'm only 20% certain that I understand how that works. I'm sure I could eventually get up to 90% if I just stopped and thought about it, but I'm too lazy.
Why did I just have a sudden image of there being a power bar over my head as I sat thinking? You know, like the Sims have that little bar that show how close they are to leveling skill... only with me it's thinking skills. I'm on crack right now. Forget I said anything.

And I must now go save Gaara, for my cat is trying to eat him. Later allz.
Current mood: Tired and not wanting to be at school.
Currently watching: Naruto
Currently listening to: same.
Currently reading: Cerulean Sins and Master & Commander (still. Can't seem to finish it).
Currently buring in effigy: The test de maitrise at CU. Stupid test. :(
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Today's Topic: AHAHAHAHAHA!!
Re: Gai's gift to Naruto. You know, he gave Naruto "The thing that made Rock Lee strong". Carla and Lynnsey know what I'm talking about. That was great.
Well, I go back to school tomorrow. I don't wanna. Really don't wanna. I don't even know what my schedual's like. I've just really not been thinking about going back at all. Last semester was just so yucky and stressful, and I have a feeling that this semester's gonna be much worse. Bleurg.
On the plus side, I get to see all my friends again. Yay to that. I've been missing some of the people from education.
Speaking of my friends... Carla, Lynnsey, Chrissy... you guys left a crapload of stuff at my place. Now I have to go see you all again so I can give it back to you. Le pout. :(
At any rate... back to watching Naruto. I'm on episode 86 now. :D I bet my friends didn't expect me to get through it so quickly. Note to self: Must write a short story about a recent episode. :D
Current mood: Dun wanna go back. :(
Currently listening to: T.V.
Currently watching: Naruto. :D
Currently reading: Master and Commander (still), Cerulean Sins (Anita Blake) And probably something else that I've forgotten.
Current quote: I got nothing. :(
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