

Today's topic: I love changing my hair colour...
I just like seeing people's reactions. Like yesterday when I went to Collège to pick up homework. A couple of my teachers saw me through their office door. One of them let out a little scream of shock. It was amusing. The other one stepped out of the office to see my hair. She said it looked different for summer and that it was nice. The other actually touched my hair and mainly commented on how soft it was. Some of the other people I saw were kinda 'eh' about it. They said it looked nice, but at least they didn't scream. Of course, I had to reassure all my teachers from the Faculty of Education that I'd dye my hair a different colour before going back next year (if I go back).
When I went today to pick up homework, my teacher had to do a bit of a double-take. Actually, a major double-take. She looked at me and said "Hi." Then she really looked at me, kinda leaned back in shock and said "Hiiiii". Shocked and surprised. It amused me and Vanessa. Later, one of the few guy teachers saw me and started laughing. He was really shocked by it too. I guess somewhere along the line, these people got the mistaken impression that I was normal. HAH!
The weirdest was today in the mall, though. A total stranger came up to me and said "I like seeing your hair. It makes me happy." Then she kind of rubbed my shoulder a tiny bit. Thing is, this was an older woman too. I was kinda shocked by her reaction, but it was still really cool. My hair makes people happy. Heh. Other people just think I'm a freak. :P
Still not telling you people what colour it is, though. I'm waiting for my friends to see it. Well, no one else ever comes here. Duh. On that note, later gatorz.
Currently listening to: TV - Murder She Wrote
Currently reading: The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy (thanks to Carla)
Currently watching: See above
Current mood: Yay! Gum!
Current nickname: The Perculiar Purple Potman of Knowles Ave.
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Today's topic: Sing the praises of hair!!
My hair is coloured now... no longer the yellow bleached blonde. It is now...
Heh. I'm not telling you. You have to come see it. BUAH!! AHAHAHAHAHA!!!
At any rate, thank you to Jen for helping me with my new dye job. She's my only friend who knows what colour my hair is.
Also, went out to celebrate her birthday. And me with my crappy bleached hair. We got together and went for yummy, yummy sushi. Then we went to pick up some new hair dye for me. I hope this colour turns out alright. After, we were going to see Saharah, but the times got screwed up (possibly Jen read it wrong, possibly the site was wrong), but the theater didn't open for a few hours. So we just shopped around a bit. With my crappy bleached hair.
When we went back to Jen's place, we dyed my hair a colour which I shall not disclose at this time. Then we watched the Princess Bride, which I bought Jen for her birthday. Which is part of the other reason for my post...
More people I have stolen for my closet
Evil deeds
Cary Elwes (Aaaaasss... yoooooooouuuuuuuu... wiiiiiiiisssssssshhhhhhhhhhh)
But AHHHHHHHHHHH!! He played TED BUNDY in the Riverman. Freaky freaky freaky freaky. Fine... he can still go in my closet... but I am now locking the door to keep everyone in. Wait... I already do that. SCORE!!
Inigo Montoya (I want my father back you son of a bitch!)
For hugging
Wallace Shawn (That's Inconceviable!!)
Andre the Giant (I mean, there's four of us, if we ever find the lady. *waves* Hello lady!) awwwwwww and fuzzies. I shall first bring him to life and then steal him for my closet. But before that, have carpenters expand the closet even more.
And that is all for now. :D
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I think my brother may be on crack...
Seriously, this kid is hilarious. We don't see him much and he doesn't talk too much (typical 20 year old male), but God, when he gets going on something...
I hate being alone at night... I really do. I am a paranoid, nervous person. I need to have the lights on and I have a hard time getting to sleep unless I know someone's home.
Tonight, my brother gets home and we start talking about ghosts. The whole conversation eventually turned to listening to the kid's theories about how Casper the "friendly" ghost is a pedophile. Thankfully, I don't think he's serious about this. Still, it's funny to listen to this kid go on talking about these things.
In other news, in my post earlier today, I had a thing about wishing to be decapitated and explaining why later. I didn't want to give this away before my friends came over, on the small chance they'd read my blog before heading to my place.
My hair is really blonde. Okay, yellow. Totally bleached. And have I mentioned that I HATE Directions hair dye. Seriously.
You see, for the last little bit, I've been wanting to dye my hair white (like, snow white) or silver. I decided on silver. My friend who did my hair has a lot of experience with the brand Manic Panic, but they don't make silver hair dye yet. Only Directions does. So we go out and buy bleach and Directions silver toner. It looks blue, but my friend tells me not to worry, that colour won't stay.
So, I bleach my hair and freak at the way it looks. No problem, though...It'll be silver soon. We applied the dye and left it in twice as long as the product specified. Then I went to rinse it out. Nothing happened. I now have ugly bleached hair. Am SOOOOOO not happy. I think I'll see about getting a refund.
In the mean time... I'm switching to Manic Panic.
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Today's Topic: Well, it seemed like a good idea at the time...
Yeah... and so did bobbing for pirahanas with a pork chop tied around my neck. *sigh* *hangs head in shame*
I had organised a moderate-sized spa party to help people unwind after exams and what-not. Since I've been done for almost a week, I'm pretty much un-winded.
For this party, though, I decided that I wanted to cook. BAAAAAAAAAAAD idea. For I suck in the kitchen. Really, really suck.
Thankfully, the quiche turned out fine, so if all else fails, we shall dine on quiche. And cake. Let them eat cake! *gets decapitated* Heh... don't I wish. Sadly, I shall have to explain the why and how of that later.
I also decided to make noodle salade. I did it once before, it worked, I figured I could do it again.
Yeah... that's pretty much like saying, "Well, if aliens blew up the pyramides, I'm sure we could always remake them. I mean, I'm sure the blueprints are chisled in some ancient-burecrat's office somewhere." *sigh again*
I only realised after making most of the salade that there wouldn't be enough due to lack of noodles. And of course, I don't have time to go out and get any. Thankfully, Chrissy is going to save my ass there.
Also, the task of making hard-boiled eggs seems to be too challenging for me. Put eggs in water, boil until hard. I know, it sounds easy. But after I shelled them and everything (which, also, was a bitch) I realised that I actually had soft boiled eggs. To which I say... GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!! There is still some egg in the salad, but I'm not going to explain how I somewhat salvaged the situation. You'd all laugh at me. My friends still will, for they are evil.
Sigh... next time, I'm just going to fucking order pizza.
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Rin's story was once here, but I moved it. Evil me, I won't tell you where it is. Okay, okay. It's
  • here

  • . You're lucky I'm nice.
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    A very "special" dictionary. by lily22
    Look up:
    Definition:The crime of using too much black nail polish.
    Quiz created with MemeGen!

    How true. I really am.

    A very "special" dictionary. by lily22
    Look up:
    Definition:The repetition of a single letter, word, or punctuation mark, as in, "EEEEEEEEEVIL!" or "I AM GOING TO KILL YOU WITH A RUSTY WOODEN SPOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!", often accompanied by capital letters and flying spit.
    Quiz created with MemeGen!

    Now that's just great. I love this.

    A very "special" dictionary. by lily22
    Look up:
    Definition:A warm sea current being deflected off of the coast of Africa.
    Quiz created with MemeGen!

    Well, that sounds too serene to be me. But I do wish to be off the coast of Africa. :P

    A very "special" dictionary. by lily22
    Look up:
    Definition:The sensation of suddenly feeling that your entire life is a plot device.
    Quiz created with MemeGen!

    But my entire life is a plot device. A stupid, pointless, boring plot device.

    A very "special" dictionary. by lily22
    Look up:
    Definition:A dungeon that has a conveniently placed window, loose bars, light security, and/or a secret escape hatch.
    Quiz created with MemeGen!

    Wow, I really suck. Gah.

    A very "special" dictionary. by lily22
    Look up:
    Definition:An absense of logic; insane, unreasonable; a byproduct of such insanity; fanfiction.
    Quiz created with MemeGen!

    True, how true. TAKE THAT, RIN!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.... *cough, cough*.

    A very "special" dictionary. by lily22
    Look up:
    Definition:Having little chunks of "real" peaches in your yogurt; such a chunk of peach; a yogurt having such chunks.
    Quiz created with MemeGen!

    Dude... I'm chunky yougart??? Damn...

    A very "special" dictionary. by lily22
    Look up:
    Definition:To decieve one's self.
    Quiz created with MemeGen!

    That can't be right. I never deceive myself. :P

    On that note... on to procrastinating!! w00t!!
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    Today's topic: Sigh...

    I'd be free from school if I wasn't such a horrible procrastinater. But I am. Damn, I wish I had waited a week to get hooked on Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Damn damn damn damn damn. Of course, it took very little to get me hooked. Saw the movie trailer, thought it was neat, instantly decided that I HAD to have the first book, look up the movie site and find fanfics etc, etc, etc, RIGHT NOW. Never mind the fact that I had TONS of homework to do. sigh...

    Well, my reading folder got finished a couple of days ago. A whole folder of finding and photocopying texts (kinda gets expensive) reading texts, describing HOW I read the texts (it was pratically the same for every single one!!), writing down my thoughts and comments, analysing situations of communication without words (not as impossible as it seems, but hard to actually sit down and do that much BSing), finding an organiser to use in classe and making a whole FREAKIN' LESSON that revolves around that organiser... this was where I started hitting my head on the desk. Oh, and that doesn't count the 4 - 5 page FREAKIN' PREFACE that I had to write. I know, I know, it's not that hard, but my ability to concentrate and to sit my ass down and work is shot to hell.

    Also had to do a writing folder, which was somewhat similar to the reading folder but with a lot more stuff in it. Thankfully, all I have left to do for that is hole-punch a coupla pages and hand it in. Unfortunately, it's a week overdue. *sigh* But it's done. As is my bloody freakin' portfolio... which is more than a week overdue. I've been such a bad student this year.

    What do I have left, you ask. One assignment. One really LONG assignment. Basically, write down and analyse and reflect on everything that I did during my praticum teaching. It's partially done, but not nearly as much partially done as I would like. I'm not going to finish it today. Maybe for Monday, but I KNOW I'll get to more procrastinating. Le suck. *chants* It'll all be over soon... It'll all be over soon.
    Current mood: All work and no play makes Theresa a dull girl, All work and no play makes Theresa a dull girl, AllworkandnoplaymakesTheresaadullgirl, GAAAAAAAAAAH!!
    Currently listening to: People type
    Currently Reading: My Praticum notes and Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. Curse you. And Cereluan Sins... still haven't gotten around to finishing that.
    Current quote:
    All work and no... kidding. :P
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    Strange how much can happen in a year. I thought that I'd be more depressed than I really am today, but oddly enough, I feel alright. Too stressed to be depressed.
    Anyone who doesn't know why today is particularly memorable for me should check
  • here
  • . Though, I must warn you, the post is really depressing.
    Exactly a year ago today, well, a year and three hours ago, I was standing in the vet's office, holding my beloved kitty for the last time. God, and now it starts to hit me, as I'm typing. Silly me. I get way too emotional over these things.
    It struck me about 6 months after she died and now I just started thinking about it again. Sitting in my living room, holding a white, blue-eyed, fluffy male cat. He's Abbey's opposite in every way. He's not that bright, kind of a klutz. He met the dog next door for the first time today, freaked out, got beaten up and ran away. Don't worry, Smeag's not hurt. It's just funny. Abbey would have kicked that dog's ass. She would have kicked Smeagol's ass. Heh.
    The last few days, as I've been going in and out of the house, I've seen a little white kitten bounding across the lawn, blue eyes looking up at me to be let in. It's just so odd... it doesn't quite feel right. I'm sure it'll start feeling better once I get used to it. It's odd, though, how these things come back to you at the strangest times.
    I was talking to Carla yesterday, telling her what today would be. She offered to do something. I think I would have said no even if I hadn't planned on doing homework today (which I'm still not, bad me). It's something I'd just rather sit and think about by myself... I get too emotional to want to have other people see me.
    Well, now that I've depressed everyone for the day, HAPPY SPRING!! Oh, and Melanie's play was pretty good. On crack, but funny. I especially liked the mailman. Heh... gay mailman. It was great.
    Catch you all on the flip side.
    (1) Psychos who've actually visited my Blog


    Again with being unoriginal

    This should be funny, as I never watch this show. Saw maybe one episode or a partial episode.

    You scored 32% accuracy!
    Looks like you need to rewatch some episodes to get become a true Lost addict. No worries, there's plenty of time, it's only the first season! Besides, such a low score probably means that you have a life. Be happy.

    My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:

    You scored higher than 42% on accuracy

    (Me) Well, I guess this isn't bad since I was totally guessing. :P

    And, as for Lynnsey's Sin City comments: yes, it is a kick-ashie flick, despite the fact that it is corny as all hell. Still loved it.

    To answer your question 'WHHHHHHY Nick?'... revenge because you KILLED HIS SHOW!!

    In regards to the Elijah Wood's character comment: I dun know about that, Frodo was pretty damned freaky sometimes. It's the eyes... the freaky-deaky eyes.

    Just bought the extended edition of LOTR, ROTK (third one). You should see the fan credits on that one, people. Ben Stiller = v. amusing. Plus, I loved his suggestion for the LOTR 'quadrilogy'... Sam & Frodo! AHAHAHAHA!! May I also add, Legolas & Gimili, Merry & Pippin. And I'm sure Aragorn was macking on Carl.. er, Faramir for the whole two seconds they saw each other.

    It's scary how much slash pairings do not bother me anymore. Actually, I think it's very cute. Especially Merry and Pippin.

    Merry: I knew you'd find me, Pip. Are you going to leave me?
    Pippin: No, Im going to take care of you.
    Theresa's add-on (in the hospital).
    Voice at the door: It's time for your medicine.
    Merry: But I didn't order any medicine.
    *Pippin walks in. Music plays* Bow chicka ... damn, I can't type this out phonetically. You know what I mean. SHUT UP!!

    On a happier note...

    You are sad because of your grief

    Why are you sad? [amazing pictures] For darker people
    brought to you by Quizilla

    Did I say happy? I was lying because you were mocking me. So there. Neat pics, though.

    Current mood: Homework = t3h suck
    Currently listening to: The TV
    Currently watching: Nothing, really, just listening
    Currently reading: School stuffs
    Current quote: (re: Fan credits of LOTR, ROTK)
    Stiller: Since everything these days seem to be about romance, Sam & Frodo *whips out... a movie poster, you sick freaks*
    Other guy: Yeah, just imagine it. "Oh, no. There's a big spider. Huddling together makes me feel better."
    Stiller & Other guy: Huddling together.
    Other guy: And whatever happens, happens.
    Stiller: Don't tell us you weren't expecting this. You know, "Sam and Frodo sitting in a tree..."
    Other guy: K-I-S-S-I-N-G
    Peter Jackson: *blink* I've got to go now.


    You are a Samurai.
    You are full of honour and value respect. You
    are not really the stereotypical hero, but you
    do fight for good. Just in your own way. For
    you, it is most certainly okay to kill an evil
    person, if it is for justice and peace. You
    also don't belive in mourning all the time and
    think that once you've hit a bad stage in life
    you just have to get up again. It's pointless
    to concentrate on emotional pain and better to
    just get on with everything. You also are a
    down to earth type of person and think before
    you act. Impulsive people may annoy you

    Main weapon: Sword
    Quote: "Always do the right thing.
    This will gratify some people and astonish the
    rest" -Mark Twain
    Facial expression: Small smile

    What Type of Killer Are You? [cool pictures]
    brought to you by Quizilla
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    Ahhh... procrastination...

    Though I really can't afford to any more. :P

    At any rate, the movie Sin City is on crack. It's cheesy and very messed up and I love it. There's some great names in that movie. And any flick where adorable Elijah Wood is a psychotic, kick-ass, ninja-esque cannibal is okay with me. I think there should have been MORE Elijah Wood goodness in this movie. Oh well.

    Another thing, I honestly don't think this movie was gory enough. I mean, sure it had people getting shot and stabbed (through the head :D), people getting beaten up, decapitated (and then the heads getting tossed around), fried in an electric chair (and having to get zapped twice 'cause the first time just didn't cut it) and castrated (with guns, hatchets, knives and once with a person's bare hands). It could have used MORE shooting, stabbing, electrucation, decapitation and gonad removal. And more hookers. There wasn't enough hookers.

    (By the way, for those of you who don't know me well enough not to take me seriously... I'm just kidding. Really.)

    But it was still a cool movie. I think I might buy it some day. :P
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    So not original

    The Vampire Novel
    Hmm, very interesting! You scored 139!
    People are addicted to you, as you make such entertaining and sexy reading material. You get people’s imaginations flowing and make for the type of book people want to read more than once. Cults have been inspired by the likes of you.

    My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:

    You scored higher than 56% on bookpoints
    Link: The What Kind Of Book Are You Test written by saucygirl on Ok Cupid

    I don't see how this works. Me? Sexy? I get people's imaginations flowing? What the hell?

    The fifth book written, you're the third book chronologically and take place during The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. You tell the story of the humans Shasta and Aravis and the talking horses Bree and Hwin, all trying to escape from unhappy lives in Calormen to go to Narnia.

    Find out which Chronicles of Narnia book you are.

    I used to have a dog named Shasta. Actually, he was my mother's dog. He was an evil bastard-poodle. I don't want to save him, dammit. Die, Shasta. Wait... he is dead. Very dead. Hehehe.

    WATER OF WATER. Pretty lady! Fair and gentle, your empathy attracts others to you. Possibly psychic, you are pure emotion and are more likely to act on feeling rather than practical thought or logic. You think that's just fine because imagination is important. You are the Whore of Babylon with her cup of abominable things, the Medium of Endor and in the mundane world you usually make a good wife and mother. You shine when you are able to give emotional support to others.
    created by Polly Snodgrass.

    I, too, am the whore of Babylon. Was there any surprise? I thought not. :P

    You are Tater Tots. Go get your own!!

    Which Napoleon Dynamite character are you?
    brought to you by Quizilla

    Tater Tots are a character? The hell??

    the sad teen. Everything in life is f*ckin'
    miserable. You constantly look over your
    shoulder and wonder who is judging you...even
    when you are alone. So naturally, you have
    become a little paranoid and pessamistic. Your
    personality can be one demensional but
    confusing. You are constantly bored with life
    and wish that something could spice it up. You
    have a unique view on life and have identified
    the problems with school society (Ex...what
    makes popular people, how the student mind
    works...) You would rather be alone because you
    hate being hurt. You tend to think that no one
    understands you, not even your parents /
    guardians / friends. But that is just the
    opposite! The people who love you want to
    help, but they don't know how because they have
    a feeling that they will say something wrong
    and turn you away. You have to let them know
    that you are willing to hear what they have to
    say...and it might do some good to listen to

    Some fields you might consider going
    in when you are older...Judge, author,
    songwriter, producer, therapist, psychologist,
    philosopher, or forensic scientist. You need a
    job where you can express yourself and your
    views on life. Or you need a field where you
    can judge others and predict what is going on
    in others life. Either way... you have the
    personality to get you a good job that will
    support you throughout life.

    What type of teenager are you?
    brought to you by Quizilla

    This is becaue I like black, isn't it? Damn.

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